It started out with just my cousin (Emi) and i (Ono). Always playing the guitar(lepak) and then came the urge to form a band. And there we were jamming with just the two of us. Emi on drums and me with guitar.When a battle of the band was organized at UNIMAS(where Emi and Nas studied) we were running loose looking for a third member. Then came Nas who is very good with guitar. But we put him on bass since i cannot sing and play bass at the same time lol. We jammed and jammed until our pocket money goes from good coverage until "currently not in service". Hahaha.Besides that we also practiced a lot with our drummer, Ian. He's our permanent on off drummer. The reason for the on off os he's still studying in Melaka(finish ur study faster la).There we felt a chemistry between us(sounded like a bush song) and agree to give our band a name. With no idea of a name, we remembered a name in the anime series 'bEck'. The name of the guitar in that anime, Lucille. With our simple mind and simple thinking, we decide to call ourself Lucille.And that is Lucille. A local band from Kuching, loves making music.Feel free to enjoy our own made song on the mp3 player aight!! is all about our music!!...lucille!!!
lucille's blog ---
This is Lucillethis is feel awayThis is us doing a cover "Padi-Kasih tak sampai"