An Art agent or a gallery owner who likes my work and wants to represent me!
I had a gallery in London England!, who wanted to represent me, The gallery in 1995 wanted to sell them for $1000.00 each. My one big regret, Not letting them even though it was lower than I wanted to sell them for!!
The Mounds has become my problem child, cause I put it on hold while I went on a motorcycle quest from KY-TN-AR-OK-TX-NM-AZ-UT-WY-SD-ND-MT-ID-WA up to Vancouver, Canada then down to WA-Or-(what great scenery)-CA-(Redwood Forest WOW!!)to Los Angeles (I was in an Erotic Art Exhibition there. I got three pieces excepted..what a time I had.
I want to meet the owner of the Stinking Rose A Garlic Restaurant in San Franciso! My Oh My the food is Great!!!, then on to San Diego-Yuma, (the hottest and least place I want to go back to. lol),Phoenix,&Tucson, (what great times there!)I went to Albuquerque,Las Cruces,Santa Fe, NM.
The one I enjoyed the most was Roswell!!! not alot there but one hell of a Chinese buffet over 120 entries each with its own destinct flavor.
I headed on to Houston, TX (I love you), then on to New Orleans! for those christians, who said the Hurricane was GOD sent, then where are the Earthquakes, Tornados, Lightening Storms and Hurricanes in Washington D.C., Evil is everywhere in every state. (enough said!)
Then on to MS-AL-GA and finally down to Tampa,FL and to think I was on my way to the Keys and still haven't made it there. I did however go to New Zealand for 3 months!! My adventures are not over yet, just on hold as the drawing 'The Mounds' has been. I am trying very had to finish it so I can move on to the next one!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When the series is finished, each one of them will evolve to a higher level of thought and in oils using color!!!!