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Pastor Smith

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I would like to share my testimony, of when I gave my life to Christ. I used to be a rascist, I was a member of the Ku Klux Klan from 1995 to 2001, I started when I was 18. I was a highly dedicated state officer, I went to all the rallys, made speeches, I even did alot of recruiting. I had alot of anger, and hate in my heart and it was getting stronger and stronger. The Klan teach that they are a Christian organization and they twisted the Holy Bible into there beleifs, strange thing was,I thought I was a christian then, I was even there chaplain, saying prayers and such before meetings. They say that Jesus is the light of there lives when they light up the cross in flames. I was blinded by there teachings, and blinded by the strong hate and anger I had inside me. It got so bad my family was scared of me. One day I went to church, the preacher preached a good sermon about hate, he said you can not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven with hate in your heart, that is when the Holy Spirit shook me, and I walked up to the preacher, and I told him, you are right. So I dropped to my knees and I gave my life to Christ, I became born again, because all that hate, anger, violence, restlessness that was inside me disappeared. Jesus erased all that evil garbage out of me, cleansed me. I immediately went home and burned my robe,flags, everything. This first video is the short version, the 2nd will be the full version. I now have alot of love and peace inside me, I love everyone. May the Lord bless you and keep you all. Keep the faith. Christian Myspace Layouts - Jesus MySpace Layouts Christian Myspace Layouts

My Interests

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Looking for a nice girl, I hate porn, SO DO NOT ask me to go to your porn site. Is there any good christian woman out there?I have always knew that He is a true living God, because I always felt His Spirit inside me, I know its real hard to beleive in God when He doesnt talk to you or you never see Him, its an experience you cant really explain to some one unless they try it and accept Jesus into there heart, then you will get this overwhelming feeling, like He is there with you. But true love, peace, and joy, comes from the Holy Spirit it doesnt come from us, we are just a empty shell with natural evil desires to sin, without Him we wouldnt know right from wrong or have guilt or remorse, we would live just like animals.I am happy for those that found Jesus and made Him Lord of your life. You must remember He will never leave you no matter what, He knows everything about you, and what your feeling right now, and your thoughts. Keep praying tp Him and He will continue to guide you in the right direction in life. School is tough I know I went to 11 of them growing up, trying to fit, being the new kid..but I always prayed and took my Bible to school with me, even though some kids made fun of me. I really liked the picture Bible, you got one? I read that about 30 times, never got bored of it,lol...I am sorry to hear about your health problems if you have any, I really feel for you, I have family that has the same things you do, and lost loved ones. But, the ones I lost I know they are in a better place, God gave them a new body, new name..and they have peace and joy forever..Praise Him!...We are only here for a very short time ..Keep your heart open and eyes on Him, keep talking to Him, He will hold your hand and help you through life...I have heard many tetsimonies of sick children making it through...If the Lord is able to save at least one life, by bringing that person to get saved, by them knowing you as a christian, all the pain and suffering that you are going through in this life would not be in vain. I will pray for you, that the Lord will keep you strong and give you courage to get through these tough times. Jesus Himself went through the worst torture and death, so that you and others could have eternal life with Him, all you have to do is believe, that Jesus is Lord and King, and creator of all life..God bless you, may Jesus keep you and your family in His loving arms forever.. [email protected]

My Blog

Jesus is Lord and King!

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Posted by on Tue, 30 Dec 2008 21:07:00 GMT

Burn the Hate
Posted by on Sat, 01 Nov 2008 07:51:00 GMT