Songwriting. Well, more like riff-writing, cause I'm generally too lazy to actually finish the stuff I start writing.Hey, I have some really great verses or choruses or bridges, if anyone wants to write the corresponding other parts.
You. At our next gig. Which happens to be the first Friday in April at the Derby.
Mr. T - Treat Your Mother Right.
Film our next gig. April 4th at the Derby.
Behind the Music: Mass Infusion. Watch as these 20-somethings drive to Vernon, load up their equipment, drive to Los Feliz, play a gig at the Derby, load up their equipment again, drive back to Vernon, unload their equipment, then go home and go to sleep cause it's too late to go to a bar.
The awesome reviews that you will all write about our show at the Derby in April. April 4th, to be specific. Got it?
Pete, Andres, Brian, and Animal for asking me to be in their band. Hey, did I mention we're playing at the Derby on April 4th?