Matt S... i dont know what i wudd do without yu.....just the thought yu makes me smile.....ilybabe.xx
Taylor D...yur the bestest friend i cudd ever ask for...yu have helped me through so many things nd im always here for yu...ily.xx
Jackie M...another bestie....such a sweetie...yu've also been there for me...ily.xx
Matty of my guy besties...always been there for me nd i hope we stay that way...ily.xx
Dylan C...another guy bestie....TC CREW times with him...ily.xx
Tamara W...awesomest chick i know....made times in elective history...ily.xx
allmyotherbuddieswithout yu guys i wuddnt be the person i am today....ilygsm.xx
AvengedSevenfold... the rev <3 hahahaha awesome band
CobraStarship...i♥GuyRipley hahahaha
TeddyGeiger...makes me cry.xx
John Mayer... an inspiration.xx
Harold Frank Bob Beckett my awesome buddy i know he'll always be there....for me nd tayy aswell....i love yu Harold.xx