hey my name is suzi
I'm 20, just finished my second year at Birmingham UCE studying Media and Communication.
I have been working for www.bannedtv.co.uk filming, editing, etc etc. lotsa fun!
I've also been working for showsec as a door supervisor (bouncer) at the carling academy in birmingham. it's very fun, I love my job and the people I work with! We're all lovely people!
I have loads of great friends who never fail to make me smile... or cry... with laughter, a surprisingly comfy bed which I am seeing very little of recently, lots of random cool stuff which threatens to fill my room at all times, and enough money in my purse for alcohol finally! aay!
I like:
friendly people, cats, giraffes, my pink laptop, my lovely boyfriend, my beast of a desktop PC, my lovely stereo system, making lots of lists, making lists of my lists, avoiding uni work, working at the carling academy, being a full trained "door superviser" (bouncer), receiving post, warm weather, my luxurious flat with ensuite facilities!!, hugh laurie as House, lost, stationary, filming stuff, handing in uni work over a day before the deadline, pirates, driving, listening to music, taking and printing random photos, being creative, editing video using AVID (or any editing software really... its just fun!), retouching photographs to make me and other people look and feel better about themselves-photoshop rules!, photographs in pretty frames, cartoons (esp dilbert!), msn, wireless routers, not killing my plants, haribo fried eggs, researching - i feel like im being productive without really being, being drunk, having a long hot shower when you feel icky, laughing, phoning people when im drunk just to let them know of this fact, spoiling people, having money, buying people presents, greenwing, johnny depp, the opportunity to sleep in, weekends, my young person's railcard, howclose i am to new street station, kisses, £9.90 return tickets to london, the view from my bedroom window, the view from my kitchen window, electricity, skull and crossbones on just about anything (one day when im brave enough i WILL get a tattoo of skull n crossbones), VERY big cups of tea, dressing up, dressing down, dancing when i know no-one can see me, dancing when i know people CAN see me, living out of a suitcase, double sleeping bags, warm clothing when it's cold, libraries, meeting new people, watching tv, being organised, being punctual, dying my hair so no-one sees the greys, my kitty-cat isabel, my phone, travelling, having long fingernails, the feeling when someone recognises your accomplishments, comfy underwear, shopping at primark, hugs, random gifts which have been thoughtfully bought, being prepared for every outcome, thinking ahead, being at university, not living at home, feeling pretty, shoeboxes full of memories, trusting people, star trek, having no uni work to do, being looked after by my mum when I'm not feeling well, feeling thin, my family,
I don't like:
things breaking, people who arn't punctual, being late, being too early, people who make me feel insecure, people who are nasty, worrying about work, worrying about money, worrying, insomnia, having to do everything around here! :-p, spending lots of money, missing people, feeling ill, feeling icky, feeling sad, people not keeping promises, death, biting my nails, tomatos, most salad items actually, only having junk food in my cupboard, needing to exercise, making other people sad, not knowing what to say to make someone feel better, not being able to help people, feeling pressured to do things i dont want to, saying no, not having any concentration, the fact that i can't seem to throw anything away, being let down, being scared, nothing to watch on tv, having no one to talk to, having to get up when im still really tired, being tired when i need to get on with work, noisey people when im trying to sleep, complicated apple software which is difficult to use, people who walk slowly and block your path past them so you have to slow down, chavs playing music on their shitty little phones on the bus - GET SOME FREAKING HEADPHONES!!!, people who are rude for no reason, homeless people, world hunger, taxes, being in pain, putting things off till i have more time then forgetting what they were, not living for today, being pale, being stuck inside when it's sunny out, believing in things which may never come true, william shatner, being in bad moods, being lazy, coughs, looking forward to things which might not happen, dissappointing myself, missing out on stuff, not being able to please everyone, letting people down, not being able to afford stuff,
This is my second assignment for my music tv module. I think it's pretty good! what do other people think?
blackout music video project
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