My story goes a little something like this. It was the 1970’s big belt buckles ruled, boots and hats were in, country was alive and thriving on both the AM and FM bands; secretly we all wanted to ride that bull at Gilley’s and on TV The Dukes of Hazard could be found one night a week with the Outlaw himself, Mr. Waylon Jennings as our humble narrator.
Back then you were a Country fan, heck we all were, even if you listened to other stuff you still liked Country because that was back before the music became watered down, over-produced and soulless.
Maybe you’re like me, maybe you decided to tune in to the country radio station where you live one day and have a listen and perhaps revisit some old memories. And, maybe like me you were more than a little shocked by what you heard coming through your speakers and said to yourself something like “this isn’t Country!†or “this sounds just like Christina and Brittney, only with a fake country accent and some steel guitar thrown in for phony credibility. This is nothing but Pop music with a hat on!â€
It’s possible that you asked yourself “where is the music I remember, the stuff with energy and grit, songs with a story to tell about love and loss, about heartbreak and life’s little struggles? Give me songs about the working man, drinking songs, songs about chatting up that girl (or guy) you met, or catching that train and heading west, or bringing your rig in on time if maybe a little overweight and over the line.â€
How did it happen? Did we turn our back for a moment and then it was gone? Did it creep up on us little by little? Whatever the reason, however it happened, it’s not too late to take matters into our own hands. If you’re like me most of what you hear on Country radio today probably isn’t the Country you are looking for. Where are the Hanks and Leftys of today? Where are the Willies and the Waylons, the Bucks and the Johnnys? If you are looking for Country Music that you can actually listen to then you’ve come to the right place, Friend. I’m here to tell you there is still plenty of good music out there and it sounds just as fresh, soulful and exciting as you remember it sounding, back when you had your dukes of hazard pajamas on and were listening to the AM band on your transistor radio late at night. And I’m here to tell you you’re not alone. There are still plenty of people just like you who want to find music worth listening to and worth spending their hard-earned money on. But like Hadrian said, Rome wasn’t built over night, it was done brick by brick.
We hope to start a dialogue, to help you find new bands and singers and to help Country Music find its way again. This is a place to celebrate everything that is good about the genre. Send us your songs, we’ll play ‘em, send us your cd, we’ll review it, send us your recommendations and we’ll listen and if you’re looking for good ideas on what to listen to and who to go see well, we’ve got plenty, Friend.
Video Of The Week:
Meet 1100 Springs from Ft. Worth, TX. This is one of the best Country bands recording and touring today. If you don't know who they are then take a minute to get acquainted, Friend!