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About Me

I am just as my name implies. I am a Warrior a Foot Soldier and Protector. I have served in the Army and currently the Air Force now for over 14 years. I love to contemplate the stars and the moon and how the Word provides so many powerful reasons; provided by science to believe in Christ. Call me a dreamer but when I look up and see myself surrounded by the expansive nature of the universe, my eyes serve as a witness, to the creative hand of God. He is a super caring Creator, who has molded and fused, fashioned me in His Image, as a suitable temple for Himself. He is in every particle of my existence, all ways, at just the right time and the right place. To truly have Jesus in my heart is to have divine connection to creative ability, in the measure that I apply myself, with individualistic expressions of worship to Christ Jesus, in everything I say and do. Hopefully being able to glimpse this beauty that is just above my head, helps' me continue to remain grounded in Christ Jesus. I surround myself with Spirit filled People I know really Love me.I surround myself with understanding and wisdom: you know, the Counsel of the Godly that will enhance my life in the most positive of ways. Partying, and drinking, to many mountain passes, to many deserts, and two wars' could be considered a badge of courage for some. And I’ve been there done that attitude, it serves nothing and has been nothing to me but a thorn of pain, called disobedience. Definitely life experiences have shown me God will not step into my or anyone else’s personally created universes, and rescue us, if we willfully continue to deny Him. He has always allowed My Laws of Physics to collapse around me. It is only when we asked for help and acknowledged Him that circumstances’ will change. Leading a reckless life has never Accomplished anything for me and I’m quite certain the same applies to anyone else that finds themselves reading this; when my time is up, I do not wish to be found wanting for only the things that please me. I am glad of one thing; I had a drug problem when I was younger. My drug problem was, I had a Father and Mother both Pastors, that Drug me through the doors of the Church, whether I liked it or not. Those drugs are still in my veins' today. Anything else can only delay the most important thing in life to be achieved, Growth in Christ. It has been said It’s better to be obedient, than to burn.

My Blog

Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education" (GIVE)

govtrack2009 March 21 Is this the change you really voted for? President Change we can believe in ???. has only been in office for 4 months. + 10 days'.  Now we have HR 1388. The Bill was sponsore...
Posted by on Sun, 10 May 2009 11:17:00 GMT


Hello this is Troy some of you may not agree with me, but the Video on my page is an excerpt of a 30 speech, that may have been given in 1964 on behalf of Senator Goldwater. In my opinion it is Releva...
Posted by on Wed, 21 May 2008 19:36:00 GMT

Part two The Golden Compass

 I am disturbed even more now that I have read an interview with Philip Pullman,  the author of the Golden Compass. Some may not care for my thoughts, but when it comes to the minds of our ...
Posted by on Sun, 09 Dec 2007 20:30:00 GMT

The Golden Compass Part 1

The Golden Compass is full of the Humanism of which there are roughly eight different types, and there are just as many meanings that can't be easily defined or separated. Unfortunately for the Huma...
Posted by on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 17:35:00 GMT