Hi, my name is Ron Peterson. Let's see ... About me... Well, I guess it's fairly obvious, from my photo, that I'm in a wheelchair. I'm one of the very rare people who has primary generalized Dystonia. For more information, see the Dystonia Medical Research Foundation Beyond that, I don't feel comfortable talking about my condition with complete strangers.
I am a Full Time Employee (FTE), working for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) with over 11 years of experience.
I have two BSes from St. Andrews Presbyterian College . One is in Chemical Physics and another in Mathematics with a concentration in Computer Science. I have a MS in Computer Science from Georgia Tech's College of Computing . Lasty, I have a MSPS - Masters of Science in Public Health from Emory's and Rollin's school of Public Health . Whew, yes, I'm overeducated.
If you haven't guessed, I live in Atlanta, GA. It's a great city with two problems. 1) The summers here are horrid. Hot and humid. 2) The drivers here a crazy. It's scary to go out and cross the street.
Yes, I consider myself somewhat of a geek. :) I love science. I mean, just look at my degrees. I may not understand all of science, especially organic chemistry, but to me, science is cool, along with math. I also love science fiction. Along with fantasy. I enjoy reading a good science fiction book, watching good SF on TV. Just that there isn't enough of it. There's some bad SF on TV these days. And movies. Science fiction and fantasy are doing well well on the big screen. This is a good thing. Heck, I even read comics. And yes, I enjoy role playing games. They are fun. Yes, I also go to Dragon*Con here in Atlanta. I have ever year since 1996. So, I guess this makes me geekish. I don't think I'm a full fledge geek, thank goodness.
I'm also religious. It has gotten me through some rough times. If you want to know, I'm an Episcopalian, Episcopal Church, USA . My church is Saint Bartholomew's Episcopal Church .
I am the owner of two cats, though they would claim they own me. They are litter mates born 3/21/2001. Tim is a 13 pound black and white beast. Cindy is a long hair - God help us with her hair balls - calico. Or as I sometimes call them, "Big Black Cat and the Calico," with apologies to KT Tunstall. They are my kids.