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Chase Matthews

About Me

HEY THIS IS THE PART THATS ABOUT ME!!!!!!....I'm Big, brown, Nice...sometimes too nice...people like to walk on nice people and make them look bad so they can raise themselves up, I'm done with all the B.S. people with something to gain will usually try to make you look bad....but dont be fooled, those with nothing to gain will do it just cause they're bored and want somethin to do..anyways moving on..Love to harmonize with singers...and I would love to start acting in plays oras an extra in movies. I play guitar..want to play music at least part to full time...watever..want to record...and want to have lots of fans/, so ya I'm almost 32 now and have been in a few bands throughout my life....working on music 12 years now. The first Band was "Obscene Gesture" with a few old friends, and the music was good..We recorded a few songs and they sounded ok for a first attempt...coulda been a little more original but watever...we were young and inexperienced. That band split because people went to school or moved or watever I sang at a few contests...I did alright but contests dont go over for me, I'm kinda original...if you tell me to do some song your way I'll intentionally do it mine cause i know its usually better I like to sing because i'm havin fun and lovin it, not because im being judged and have to do good for someone else's approval. Music is about soul, love and change, not anything else. I sang once in front of the Trews at an exhilaratingly good show that they put on at Fanshawe College a few years back,....I did get free beer that night from two girls, I was too shy to actually talk to for longer than 2 minutes...although I probably should have....The most real band to me has been while working with E.J. Debenham & " The Shifted " , Including Myself, E.J. Debenham, Matty Cole, and Geoff Greaves...I still work with E.J. on a regular basis trying out new things...,Although it seems we have trouble finding the time to do anything solid anymore. I havent released anythin new in a while..EJ's always working on something recording wise with numerous people now and then....including me and we'll have some new recordings soon hopefully by end of summer....hopefully...if not i'll do it myself...since the time of the shifted and thereafter we have all moved on to other areas of our lives or gone on to try other can check our old stuff at the link on this page called "edgestunes"....I would still like to perform these songs along with some new ones in the works by me alone as long as old bandmates are cool with's all about the love right....pfft. We have been working together off and on for a long time now, over 7 years or so, so we have a pretty good understanding of what we want and need from each other, even if we dont get it sometimes... We and I are/ am also in the process of recording four or more new songs with him or myself of mine, and we'll probably do three of his, perhaps we'll throw in a few collaborations as well....might take a while to get them all out...My point is...well if you want to know about me..I'm sick of waiting. I want to get out there....not for money, not for fame, for music, even locally....I had 1 minute on Entertainment tonight Canada and honestly it just wasn't enuff. What I would like to do now is to "just do it", do it right, and not have anyone tell me I can't, won't, should'nt, or wat the hell ever..some people call me "Bitter Boy", paranoid or watever, i think im extra compassionate and eccentric that's all....and I'd rather make music like the best person i can be and with good people....SO SHOW SOME LOVE!!!!!!!!!AND IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH ME, DON'T BOTHER WITH everyone else, and you know, all of you I hope....who you are. Thank you...Sincerley...For Pushing me, for Prompting me...and for Loving me.."I cant be what everyone wants.........Unless they want the real me":by Chris Matthews...P.S.....I think all the passion in my life lies within the fact that esentially, truly....everything in my life points to the love, creation, and re-creation of music...for me and thats really cool to me, this is the real me......really. THIS SUMMER I will hopefully setup a music site for myself, til then stick around here ...might be worth the wait......ENJOY MY TUNES & EJ's WHILE YOU WAIT...check out my blogs, my groups, Lyrics I might post, check out my top friends...just stick around...I know its almost impossible to make it in this business because of crass business ethics and bakstabbing but i wint give up this is what I love and am destined to do......period. Oh and by the way all you lame ass haters out'll get yours...if not from me than Karma...have a nice day...later

My Interests


Member Since: 12/07/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Chris Matthews-Vocals/ Rythm/ Songwriting ? ? ? ?
Influences: Rob Thomas, STP, ALice in Chains, OLP, 3 Days Grace, Mariana's Trench, The Trews, Ozzy, Pink Floyd, The Counting Crows, Kenny Rogers, ME ME ME ME, EJ Debenham, My life, My loves, My losses..........
Sounds Like: Probably a lot, but i play the sounds i like, doesnt everyone?????
Record Label: Unsigned

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