We are an Encyclopedia of Independent Music. Most articles of this nature on Wikipedia are too small or lack proper documentation and end up getting deleted by the Wikipedia community. We're here to fill that gap.
While we are based on Hardcore Punk (as our first love), genre definitions are fuzzy, overlaps occur, and none of our musical tastes are purely one-dimensional; we hope to encompass a multitude of information on Punk, Metal, Metalcore, Indie, and so forth. Add your band, label, zine, favorite band, local venue, or a definition of someone notable in our community.
When adding, please try to properly format as much as possible (see: the cheatsheet here ) and make sure to include all relevant information on releases (discography), members, location, and biographical information. One liners and only featuring links to outside pages defeat the purpose. Bad jokes and slander will not be tolerated.
This site could be excellent resource for all of us and the more people using, the better/more accurate it will become.
So get to adding!!
WikiCore - Add your band
WikiCore - Add your label
WikiCore - Add your zine
WikiCore - Add your local venue
WikiCore - Add your radio show
WikiCore - Add your messageboard
WikiCore - Add your favorite band
And check out the blogs for information on this page.
Mahrinah & Jim