Are you one of the 3 P`s? (Poser, Punk, Prep)
What do they call you?
When is your cake-day?
What color are you feelin`?
What grade you reppin`?
What`s your favorite song?
You are a ViRGiN =) FALSE
You are in l0ve FALSE
You are: A PUNK! - You`re a unique person, you`ve got your own style and that`s awesome.
You are a true: Procrastinator...tehehe, isn`t every..P
You like: Shopping - W0w you are a SH0P-0-H0LiC! Stay cool, and don`t spend all the money on your mama`s plastic =D
One of your go0d qualities is: that your Caring - Your a very caring person, you care about others around you and people realize that. Stay the way you are.
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