Musician, Producer, Singer, Songwriter, Artist Matthew Cummings Known As M.Productionz (Sky View Entertainment) has been exposed to music since his childhood. Having Strong Roots in Gospel, Rnb, Jazz, and Hip-hop, M.Productionz has been striving for excellence with his Music. This Guy is Coming to the Forefront as a Up-and Coming Producer/Musician/Artist in the industry, not only For Production, but Live Insturmentation. M.productionz has also teamed up with Engineer Sam Brand of Boomcatrecords AKA Tupelo Kid, he engineers all of Projects and work. This Talented Producer is Now Launching a In-House Songwriting Team that specializes in songwriting, M.Productionz Goal is to be a One-Stop Shop not only for Production, but upstarting the Careers of Artist that want to be successful independently. Be On the Look-Out for Many Great Endavours and Ventures Happening For M.Productionz this year. For Production Inquires Please email [email protected], God Bless!!
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