(As of late) Bhuddist, Eastern philosophy, Detachment, Chuck Paliniuk, Traveling outside the U.S. (and the carribian), Coffee, Jeet kun do, 80's Hiphop/B-boy/Graf culture, The well being of animals (they don't bitch like humans do), "smart" Movies (meaning not anything with Dane Cook or Jennifer Lopez or whoever the fuck), Laughing at shit only I find funny, Having good/deep/thought envoking/open convo about nothing and passing thoughts, All things pop culture (in small doses), Eye contact, Turning my mind/body into a open but armed fortress Um.... Eating, Shitting, Sleeping and Occasional interaction with another human being......
People who just keep shit real in the purest sense. You can be an total fucking asshole and i'll respect you more than some flakey people i've known. Also! This is important to me....PLEASE have a AWESOME sense a humor! If I have to hear another person get offended about a joke i've made cause it reminds them of someone they vaguely knew, sort of that kinda, almost died from cancer five or seven years ago (because, of coarse, you can never remember what fucking year)- I'm gonna fucking lose it. My attitude is - if I'm laughing, it's frickin' hilarous! Have a good day! :)
Shit I would try to put you on to but you'll end up pretending to like it just to be polite...
I've seen ALOT but these are my favorites for different reasons: American Beauty, Requiem for a dream, Karate kid, Berry Gordy's The Last Dragon, Lord of the rings trilogy, Legend, Labrynth, Momento, The Godfather 1&2, Goodfellas, Casino, City of god, Blow, House of flying daggers, The Transformers movie/TV series, Oldboy, Road to perdition, The Matrix, Final Fantasy:Advent Children, Sympathy for Mr Vengance and Lady Vengance, 3 Extremes, One flew over the cuckoos nest, Clerks, Donnie Darko, Battle Royale, Kung Fu Hustle, Mean Girls (--- surprisingly great movie) Fight Club, Juice, The Professional, Tale Of Two Sisters, Premonition, Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind........Blah, blah, blah - You're probrably looking at my pics by now and forming your judgements and preconcieved notions of who I am, aren't you? You shallow bitch.....
First off WONDER SHOWZEN!!!!!!!!!!! See THAT shit! I am more of a movie person but I enjoy the National Geographic, Travel and History channels on and off (although House and Law & Order SVU are great to watch when I catch 'em). Can't lie, caught myself watching shallow MTV/VH1 programing and girl shows like A.N.T.M. (if you don't know what that stands for, please don't ask- if you do, I can't stand Melrose) Documentaries are my shit and Netflix is my current equivalent to a crack/meth addiction...See "Dark days" and your train ride will feel a little different.
Anything Chuck Paluniuk (Fight Club, Choke, Invisible Monsters, Haunted), Art of war (sun tzu), Book of five rings (miyamoto musashi), striking thoughts, Tao of jeet kune do (bruce lee), Da Vinci code, Angels and demons (Dan Brown), Atlas Shrugged (Ayn Rand), Behold a pale horse, The Alchemist and any philosophy and spirituality books. Click here to get your own network banner - Over 470 to choose from
Gonna attempt to be my own......