I live life with self-confidence and optimism. I am interested in just about anything.I recently returned from a year-long adventure across the globe in Thailand. Upon leaving NOLA, I had no idea what I was in store for. I just knew that with an open mind, enthusiasm, and confidence that I'd have a great experience. Never in a million years would I have anticipated how awesome it was. It truly was...life-changing.Consider "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost. That is, in essence, how I want to live my life. In one direction you have a path that appears "safe, recognizable, somewhat predictable." In the other direction, you have "risk, adventure, unpredictability, uncertainty." When I am older, looking back on my life, my decisions, I want to be able to say that I took those risks, I embarked on those adventures, I embraced those unpredictabilities and uncertainties. This IS me.I think the economic term "opportunity cost" is what gives me the most problems in life. "What will I forego in order to attain the other?" As a result, I find myself in a situation of practicality versus idealism. This is what causes me the most confusion in making many decisions.
But I always revert back to this thought: the best experiences I have had in my life thus far have been those in which I took "The Road Not Taken."I often relfect on "moments," both past and present. I think about how those moments affect me, what they teach me. I truly aim to learn from these moments, and use them as buildings blocks in my life.I find people fascinating. Consider this theory: EVERY person you meet in life teaches you SOMETHING. I truly believe this; hence, I pay attention to people now more than ever.I love my family. There is no doubt in my mind that I would be nothing without them. They gave me blocks, and it's my time to build.I love sports, I love Seinfled. Trap me in a room with every Seinfeld episode, along with an endless supply of sports materials, I'm good to go. I used to sell hot dogs. I once sold my body to science for one month for 5K. I've been a basketball coach. I love my friends. I love food. I have developed a passion for playing tennis.
I love movies. I love the beach. I love Google. I mean really, how cool is Google?
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