About Me
"Claim what you are, Claim what you believe in, but if you claim without actually living what you speak means nothing. There is only the power of spoken word when you follow through with what is sad."
I am...::UNWRITTEN::.....FIRST and FOREMOST, family is always first on the list. Don't question it and if you must, I won't have a problem speaking to you about it. But try to interfere with the unity, then expect some animosity 8) Get it? Got it? Good!Other than that I'm pretty easy to get along with. Drama is the last thing I need, but if you rock the boat I 'm the type who'll be frank about how I feel and speak about it (with the consideration of knowing the limits). In other words, no need going around the bushes, just get straight to the point! But as simple as it gets, just a simple girl who loves the simplicity of life. Everyone may live life differently, but what we all have in common as how we determine our attitude set towards our circumstances. Our attitude is conclusive to how we live our life. We may all have problems, but is conditional to how we approach it. Per say, if you dwell on your past, it makes it much harder to move forward rather than actually letting it go. Sometimes we just don't acknowledge that we only put a heavier burden upon ourselves by actually moping in it and digging deeper holes, becoming an additional setback. But despite all predicaments I am able to move forth knowing that my life is in God's hands. JESUS is the one who makes my life complete. I put my trust in Him knowing He'll handle MY weights that no one else ever could. Sure enough, life is not picture perfect, but with God in my life it sure makes my life so much more in tact. Life will never be easy because we all continue to go on journeys but if you ever need a sense of direction, definitely trust and seek God. With that said, I love life and everything in it. I pretty much stay above the influence b/c the natural hype is all I need! I prefer the NATURAL SUPPLEMENTS such as my XS drinks & Zsenzo Tea's that will keep me healthy(let me tell ya, it sure ain't just Milk that does a body good). I prefer the positive vibes that soothe me, tunes that invigorates the soul because "Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me!" I love writing poems, & music, truly the passion of art in expression, but most definitely observing the true profound art of God's creation; beaches & the sun...pure getaways, a tool that help serve as a motivation for me to keep runing after my dreams. I mean there ain't nothing more relaxing than being in flip-flops, a t-top & shorts in front of a gorgeous scenery. I always love learning to play new instruments, but the strings is where my heart is at, classic! Other than soothing sensations, I am learning about LIFE each day. I have learned that truly the biggest obstacle to overcome is ourselves, b/c it is up to us to believe in ourselves and making "IT" happen! If we ever come to a point where we think we know everything, think again b/c we are always in a learning process! I have grown through experiences, good & bad. Sometimes I questioned the bad circumstances but I knew that God didn't mean for us to understand everything and that it was ok! Sometimes things may remain unanswered simply due to being tested on how patient we are. Because if you're patient enough to find out what the answer could be, it proves your courage and your determination of not willing to give up, but remaining at a positive winning attitude. I've learned the power of spoken word! Speak blessings and goodness to yourself and it will change your mind concept literally! I have grown inspired due to being blessed with the greatest people in my life! So content with a family who loves me unconditionally and are my backbone. My MOM has the sweetest soul, I admire her for her subtleness, courage, and gentle spirit. My DAD is the strictest parent I know, a bit overwhelming at times, but I must say, I admire Him for his BIG heart he has for his family, he would valiantly give up His life for any one of us. I know it. My ADING, my one and only brother, a quiet soul but is underestimated, who has this quiet & passive , but yet sensitive spirit, I admire His will to always try something new, his passion for music, I see SO MUCH potential in Him! My SISTERS, my CCC FAMS in CHRIST, my FRIENDS, they are all amazing. They're GRAND! I am so blessed with these folks. They're the best of friends that anyone could ever ask for!AND last but not least, my sponsors BEST 4 U, GLOBAL IMPACT, and all part of the PATEL TEAM, I can not say how awesome it's been! FIRED UP! It is truly a blessing to have met people like you, who have enabled me and will continue to help me grow! You have helped find a side to me I never knew I had potential to do so! I LOVE YOU ALL! You keep me inspired and determined to keep reaching for my dreams! I CAN NOT say enough! THANK YOU! I am who I've come to be because of all the great inspiring people in my life. I have yet to become something more.ATTITUDE
by Charles Swindoll
"The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on my life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company ...a church...a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past...we cannot change the fact that people will actin a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the string we have, and that is our attitude...I am convinced that life is ten percent what happens to me and ninety percent how I react to it. And so it is with you...we arein charge of our attitudes."
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