Nige profile picture


About Me

Hi, I was born on the Isle of wight,Disliked school so left at 16,Got job Screenprinting,joined punk band Capo*Regime at the age of 17,moved out of home at 18 (into Southlands),met Rosie at 21,married her at 25,bought a house with her at 26,got her pregnant, left capo, had babies, Got a new job as a trainee brewer,took to it like a punk to beer and I am now assitant brewer at Goddard's brewery.Not bad eh. Apart from my family my main love at the the moment is Surfing. I hadn't been for 20 years mainly due to only having a motorbike now I'v started I'm bloody hooked and get a bit jittery when unable to go. I have also started gigging again with Capo*Regime. Layout made by smushypoop

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Ade Edmonson,John Lydon,Adam Sandler,Drew Barrymore,Ewen Mcgregor,Johnny Depp

My Blog

Piss-up in a brewery.

Well, you all thought that I couldn't manage it. I am now wondering if I should have. I indeed organised a piss-up in my brewery. A few select friends. what harm could come from it. several pints late...
Posted by on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 14:34:00 GMT


..>..> ..> TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The Survey Name: Nige Birthday: 08/01/74 Birthplace: Newport, Isle of Wight  Current Location: Ryde-Isle of Wight Eye Color: Hazel Hair Color: Hard to t...
Posted by on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 13:25:00 GMT

My Gidgit

Hello You, Just thought I'd let you Know how proud I am of my Rosie. She has learnt to surf in about five sessions. She has to use my board at the moment until we can get her her own. She ha...
Posted by on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 11:14:00 GMT