I'd love to network with anyone who is just looking for someone to talk to or talk about their interests! Just keep in mind, I am in a happy, long term relationship, so I am not looking for anything more than just friends! I'd be really interested in meeting up online with other Massage Therapists or Nerds out there. I'm also looking to find a Reiki Master that would offer some classes to me!
So if you are looking for a very unique person for a friend, gimme a message! I love meeting new people! My SN is LilPlunderBunny... Talk to you all later!
I am Murloc
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what is your name? Ericka Dawn Graybeal
when is your birthday? August 21, 1985
where do you live? Salem, Massachusetts
do you like living there? Yes!
what school do you go to? None at the moment, Back to Spa Tech next year hopefully!
who is your best friend? Alex/Lauren/Nicole
who is your (current/last) boyfriend/girlfriend? Alex
do you think you are/were in love with them? Yes!
are you straight or gay or bi or what? Straight
do you get along with your parents? Not after long lengths of time
what kind of music do you like? Lots of stuff. I'm on a musical kick at the moment.
what is your favorite band? Don't really have one right now.
what kind of music do you hate? Rap
what is the craziest thing you have ever done? Fought back when my father was putting me down. I don't regret it.
what do you regret the most? Not sticking up for myself in the past
have you ever gotten drunk? Yes
what is your AIM screen name? LilPlunderBunny
what color are your eyes? blue
what color is your hair? brown
what do you like the most about yourself? I'm willing to give almost ANYTHING a shot.
what do you hate the most about yourself? Sometimes my lack of patience.
what is your favorite movie? Can't think of one right now.
what is your favorite song? Defying Gravity
what is your favorite non-alcoholic drink? Water
what is your favorite alcoholic drink? Malibu Baybreeze
peanut butter and jelly or fluff? PB and Strawberry preserves!
what time is it right now? 10:07pm
do you have a life? Yes! And a career!
do you consider yourself depressed? Not anymore!
are you more like a prep or goth? Those are stereotypes for middle school... I think I've grown out of that :)
what is your favorite color? purple
are you annoyed at how random these questions are? Nope
are you a virgin? No
did you answer that honestly? Yes
how tall are you? 5'5"
do you want kids? I'll start with one, and I'll see how I like it.
do you believe in god? I believe in some sort of cosmic power in the sky.
have you ever done cocaine? no
have you ever tried committing suicide? Unfortunately
have you ever intentionally hurt yourself? Also Unfortunately
do you get along with your best friend's boyfriend/girlfriend? Yeah
do you have any piercings/tatoos? 3 piercings in my ears, a shamrock tattoo on the left side of my chest, and my horoscope symbol on the back of my neck, and a large tarot card piece in progress on my back (check out the pictures!)
do you want any piercings/tatoos? I want to finish the tattoo and maybe get another few.
what shoe size are you? 8.5 wide
do you have any siblings? Sister 19, brother 31
do you have any kids? no
ever been pregnant? bo
ever gotten your girlfriend pregnant? Not physically possible :-p
what is the last thing you bought? A tuna sub from Subway
who was the last person you called? Alex
who was the last person that called you? Alex
have you ever skipped school? I did it a few times!
how many times? Okay, more than a few. hehe
do you write in cursive or print? It's a weird combo of both.
do you feel naked without eyeliner? I like the natural look.
do you like rollercoasters? Yes!
have you ever driven drunk? no
have you ever been in a car with the person driving drunk? no
have you ever lied to someone? Everyone has at one point.
have you ever set yourself on fire? no
have you ever been in a fist fight? Yes
have you ever been shot? no
have you ever been stabbed? no
what shoes do you wear? Sketchers sandals
do you have ADD? no
do you have ADHD? no
do you have OCD? I used to, mildly.
have you ever puked on purpose? Once or twice.
how many hearts have you broken? Not too many.
how many times has your heart been broken? A decent amount of times.
do you think your good looking? Not bad, could afford to lose a few pounds!
what is your favorite candy? Lindt chocolate truffles.
what do your bedsheets look like? Ugly green ones(Alex's sheets!)
do you like summer or winter better? Neither! Give me Spring or Fall!
how many countries have you been to? 1, USA
in your last relationship, how did you break up? He dumped me over AIM
who was the last person other than you to sleep in your bed? Alex
do you believe in love at first sight? Lust yes, Love no!
do you have braces? no
do you have glasses? yes
what makes you happy? Polarity therapy, and doing it for others. Alex makes me very happy too!
what makes you upset? Not alot, usually I have to have woken up in a bad mood first. Then, everything does. haha
do you think people who are white that think they're black are hot? Not especially.
do you have any pets? Not with me, but my mom is taking care of Hermes the kitty for me!
what was the last thing you ate? Subway Tuna Sub!
if you add up all of the digits in your phone number, what do you get? I hate math
are you glad this is over? Indifferent.