I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me; and my belief in that scripture has enabled me to be effective in the work of the Lord.
I am happily married to a wonderful godly man John Sherrod.
I have a beautiful daughter named Rhonda.
A good plate of collard greens makes me weak and knocks me off my feet and a little slice of corn bread with real corn in it finishes the job.
I've been blessed to travel to the utter most parts of the world spreading the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Some years ago I sang in a group called Sweet Spirit; during one of our concerts Andre' Crouch was in attendance. After hearing us sing he offered to record us and he did, and as a result of that we traveled all over the country ministering with Andre' Crouch and the Disciples. And to this day we remain the best of friends.
I recently returned to Grad school to complete the requirements for a MSW degree. I find the learning environment to be very exhilarating.
I am presently serving as an associate pastor in the church founded by my father Bishop Roderick Caesar Sr. and consider it a priviledge to serve the people of God.