If, in the midst of your hectic, modern workweek, you have ever stopped to wonder what became of those dashing and slightly overdressed privateers of old, with their licensed piracy and their anachronistic but endearingly eccentric jewel-encrusted goblets, then YOU are in for a treat.
Frank Vollmann (Frank the Baptist) and Lucas Lanthier (Cinema Strange, the Deadfly Ensemble) have arrayed their compasses, sextants and GPS devices and set sail for lands unknown. The “Dirty Weather Project†brings these two swashbuckling brigands to the stage for a four-fisted performance; swapping songs, telling tales, and nearly spraining their ill-trained ankles during mostly futile jig-dancing attempts. Guitars, rum-stained knickers, Jolly Roger flags, and a thirst for the sea-tossed horizon prevail! Lanthier plays C.S. and Deadfly favorites, Frank plays Frank the Baptist classics, and together they lovingly render timeless shanties into shreds. Join Lucas and Frank for a pleasantly ribald, beautifully bawdy, and unusually arranged musical performance...
For booking information in Europe, please contact Patty Hele at Motherdance booking agency : [email protected]
For booking information for the rest of the world, fire an email to us here, on MySpace. Cheers!
a href="http://www.mywackospace.com"