Rocks, dirt, plants, building things, cooking, fixing broken things, Travel, photography, architecture, thrift stores, languages, history, science, shoveling and lots of other stuff...
Cool people in my neighborhood... 20010
a little bit of everything. I'll listen to anything on an old record at least once.
I don't have time for TV anymore, I don't even have one...but when I'm at someone else's house I'm easily glued to my old favorites like the Daily Show and the "Colberr reporr" or some documentary on PBS to take a nap.
"Modern Hydronic Heating for Residential and Light Commercial Buildings", "The Complete Metalsmith", "Rarnaby Budge" by Charles Dikkens (with 2 k's) the well known Dutch author... well the first two at least...
People who have jobs they like, and would like to teach me to like mine.