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GO HERE: www.myspace.com/moreporpoisethandolphin

About Me

I love to read a good story. I love to learn things from new people. I love violent thunderstorms. I write, play, eat, breathe, and sleep to music. I'm really into Greek Mythology. I can't wait for the Apocalypse. The world is becoming far too boring.

I recently heard the following sentence on CNN: " Because of high winds, about 250,000 people in New England are without power." I thought, "Gee, when you think about it, about 275 million people in the United States are without power. They just aren't aware of it." - George Carlin

My Interests

Playing, creating, and listening to music - Brackenwood animation by Adam Phillips( www.biteycastle.com) - talking to friends over a good cocktail - sex - reading - numerology - astrology - greek mythology - Resident Evil games - drawing - comics - Newgrounds(www.newgrounds.com) - Foamy the Squirrel(www.illwillpress.com) - writing - the apocolypse - astronomy - government conspiracy theories - and ocassionally sculpting and painting

I'd like to meet:

The bastard who stole one of my guitars, so that I can punch him so hard; he ceases to exist.


The list would be far too long for me to type here. Check out my music player to listen to just a small fraction of the music I listen to.


Too many to list.


Killed it.....


William S. Burroughs, Stephen King, Richard Bachman, Elizabeth Massie, Neil Gaiman, Frank Miller,Thomas Harris, George Carlin, Chuck Palaniuk. Anything by those authors. Otherwise, I will read anything I can find. Books are yummy.




BILL HICKS - click on the image to listen

My Blog

Download this album! - Who Rides The Tiger - Transylvania Baby

If you missed my last post about this band, here's a second chance to listen to rock that will crush your asshole into a puree, and slice it like a pie with a machete; only to shit your asshole back o...
Posted by JARED on Mon, 04 Aug 2008 02:41:00 PST

Creating a new life

Here I am in my second apartment in the last 6 months, seeing as the one bedroom apartment me and my woman shared was becoming crowded. This apartment is much better. All is not well in the financial ...
Posted by JARED on Mon, 21 Jul 2008 05:47:00 PST

Naked pictures (of your mother).......

So....2008 is under way, and already I have so much on my mind, that it scares the crap out of me. Self doubt is not even a consideration. For me honestly, I have to avoid that monster, lest it reamer...
Posted by JARED on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 08:02:00 PST

2007 - a review of an abstract year......

Well.....2007......coming to an end.........so fucking what? Exactly what makes this year different than any other? For starters, we could begin with all of the media hype surrounding Britney Spears, ...
Posted by JARED on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 04:46:00 PST

Becoming Me

Once we could sleep with the lights on in our heads. Lay down with the devil, and our state of affairs A spooful weighs not a thing, and a handful even less When we ignite, the world wi...
Posted by JARED on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 10:20:00 PST

The Science of dying in your sleep

Now hear ye! It is exactly 3:30 in the morning, and I have to get up for work in 4 hours. As usual, I seem to be having trouble sleeping. I have had this problem for many many years ( going back to ab...
Posted by JARED on Sun, 09 Dec 2007 01:23:00 PST

FRIENDSHIP: Is there really such a thing?

I am almost certain, that most of you have heard the saying, " the older you get, the less friends you will have." And why is that exactly? Let's explore this time tested catch phrase, and see if we c...
Posted by JARED on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 01:20:00 PST

Check this out - Brackenwood Presents

This is something that I thought i would share with all of you if you haven't seen it yet. It's part of a series by a man named Adam Phillipes called Brackenwood. It usually follows the story of a mis...
Posted by JARED on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 08:37:00 PST

My St. Luke's experience

Last night around 8pm, I started to have a mild pain in my upper right abdominal area. Now, this did not alarm me much. I had just assumed it was some sort of gas pain. Nothing to worry about. But by ...
Posted by JARED on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 09:59:00 PST

Mistaken Identity

So......let me ask you this. Ever been mistaken as part of some kind of modern day Bonnie and Clyde esque hooligans? Happened to myself and Lindsey a few days ago. Just going to the gas station to buy...
Posted by JARED on Sun, 25 Nov 2007 08:18:00 PST