About Me
BELLA BLUES BAND is a group of musicians from Veneto region, one of the oldest blues band in Italy. The founder members of the group, who started playing together in 1989, are Adriano Vettore (guitar and vocals) and Francesco Mazilli (bass guitar). Other musicians are Maurizio Boldrin (drums) Donato Cuzzato (keyboards) and Sergio Caregnato (sax)
BBB have taken part in several festivals always with general appreciation. They were at the Blues Festival in Cattolica, Calvene Blues Festival, Massa Marittima, Sestri Levante "Blues & Soul Festival" (twice), Folkest and at Pistoia Blues Festival in 1993 where they performed just before Frank Frost, Jack Bruce and Jeff Healey .
Besides playing in clubs and festivals as they usually do in Italy, the group gave some concerts in Germany, Great Britain, Swisserland.
Since 2001 they have Kay Foster Jackson, the american singer daughter of B.B. King’s saxophone player A. Foster, as guest in several concerts.
They have also had the opportunity to accompany in concert Carey Bell and Lee Oskar, the famous harmonica players.
In 1996 BBB released their first CD "The Stoker's", which was recorded in Condulmer Studio and produced for Devil's Record. The CD is made up of ten tracks, eight of which are original. Among the guest musicians the name of Andy J. Forest stands out. In 2006 was released “Even Italians get the Blues†their last Cd partly recorded live during the 2003 year of the Blues Concert in Padua.
BELLA BLUES BAND è composta da Adriano Vettore, chitarra, voce, Francesco Mazilli basso, dal batterista Maurizio Boldrin, dal tastierista Donato Cuzzato e dal sassofonista Sergio Caregnato.
La band attiva dal 1980 e una delle più longeve blues band italiane, ha tenuto centinaia di concerti in Italia e all’estero, fra cui sono degni di nota: la partecipazione all'Italian Blues Festival di Cattolica, il Calvene Blues, il Festival di Massa Marittima, il Festival Blues di Pistoia nella serata di Frank Frost, Jack Bruce e Jeff Healey, occasione in cui il gruppo è stato definito da Buscadero il migliore fra gli italiani.
Altre partecipazioni: Rhythm’n’blues Festival di Darlington (GB), Soul & Blues Festival di Sestri Levante, Festival di Maryport (GB), Folkest, County Durham (GB).
Due i Cd prodotti realizzati: "The Stoker's" registrato negli studi Condulmer, prodotto per la Devil's Records, presenta 10 brani, di cui 8 originali. Fra i musicisti ospiti spicca l’armonicista americano Andy J. Forest.
“Even Italians get the blues†con la partecipazione di Kay Foster Jackson, Marco Pandolfi, David Boato, Dante Del Ben.
In due concerti hanno avuto modo di accompagnare il mitico musicista di Chicago Carey Bell e in una occasione gli armonicisti Lee Oskar e Paul Orta.