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Yo...People...My name is Marcelo Roskam a.k.a Jock...Born in Holland, 1986...and my live began... I grow up in a normal Dutch family...christian... a lovely mum and dad...but you know not everything is perfect....and pain is something that comes to I've got my problems and joy... like every body......Music was something really important in our family...And my parents want me to try the musican school....but after 4 years I was more interested in Soccer and I quited.... But music is something that comes to you...My sister was more happy in learning music on the musican school with accordeon...but she also played guitar...she learned my some chords and I began to play music again.... I grow up in a christian family.....In my puberty I choose to live for Christ on my 14 age.....God became a part of my live...and is still the most important part of my you can hear in my music..... On my 16 age I wrote my first song about the death and salvation of Jesus Christ...and His pain in the Garden of Getsemane.... Now I am still learning to create new music....HipHop, Reggae and Urban style has the last few years a lot of influence on my I hope you will enjoy it....And listen to the lyrics... My first album is Jock 2 is an album I created as an sponsering project for the organisation Blessahs Marcelo MJOCK