Miriam Gonzalez IS THE SHIT! She will be my fucking home dawg til my last breathe is out. I love you mir, you rule the most.
StephATTACK! aka Stephanie. There is something about this one man. Something that I have really come to respect and love. Everything about her is just perfect. I didn't do anything great to impress her, but she just seems to adore me, and I fucking love that about her. She loves me for who I am, and I am not about to let a girl like that go. Love ya steph
Zullmeister!!! In all honesty, if I would have never met zully, i wouldnt have met most of you, thank her for that shit. Much love zully. :)
Cassey. She is my Roadie. She carries around everything, and she is my show buddy. We roll hard ;D