spending long late hours in a dark smokey room punching and kicking to the screams of synths and the tears of vocal chords...
de-constructing and re-constructing items of clothing, one must always dress to impress...
hiding behind earphones watching the dance floor erupt in front of my eyes...
my favorite 4 legged friend...
my favorite 2 legged friend...
in the words of a little green mongoose dog "i need stuff"...
a fluffy white demon with black eyeliner...
my little pony coloring books...
goth, industrial (european and american), ebm, darkwave, noize, 80's brit pop, some punk and the basics ie: the cure, depeche, bowie, pet shop boys.... for further explanation inquire within
way to many to list, i could run my own rental service out of my house
my visual companion when im all alone
current reading: your fist 100 words in german & berlitz german i will do it one day!!!!
... in no particular order: james st james, poppi z brite, ronan harris & mark jackson, robert smith, debbie harri, spankee, spookie kids, a magical boi who rescued me from the depths of despair more than once, the club's dancefloor, the power of imagination, ben nye, 10g needles, fakir musafar, NON TOBACCOO clove cigarettes (from indonesia), iced blk coffee with a shot of espresso, grandpa jourgensen, chilled jagermeister...