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About you and your other half.:
A lot about you!
What is your name? Coleman
How old are you? 18
When is your birthday? 25th of November 1989
Are you looking forward to it? yea
Why? cause ill get some money and go to a concert i think and have fun With Kiersten im sure
Are you happy? yes very
What makes you happiest? Kiersten does
Are you afraid of something? no, maybe losing loved ones but i know it happens
Do you live alone, or with someone else? somone
Who? parents :(
Do you have any pets? yes! i have a Bastard of a beared dragon named Thor and a cat
What is your favorite cartoon? Metalocalpse
Have you ever hit a deer? yes! omg it was crazy it flipped in the air and then it crawled away and died
Do you drink? not rlly
Do you prefer beer or liquor? ehh beer is bad
What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink? gween gat-o-ade
What kind of cell phone do you have? Verizon
Do you like it? no
What is the funniest word you ever heard? lawl lawl lil lil (Conan the barbarian)/ Aww piss
Do you hate it when people call you "dear"? no
To whom have you sent the most text messages? Kiersten
What did you do for new year's eve? Talking to Kiersten online
were there lots of pictures? no
What is your favorite movie? The good The bad the ugly
What is your favorite song? The Trooper
what concerts do you want to see in 2008? Fintroll
Do you have any tattoos? no not yet
What is your favorite place to chill out? my room with the door locked and Kiersten inside
What is your favorite song to play on guitar hero? meh
Do you work out? no
Do you wear any jewelry? yes, my labret and nipples
What is your favorite memory of the past couple of years? my Awesome girlfreind
What is your goal for the year? do good in college
What do you think about when you first wake up? Aw piss, i dont want to go to work
Do you shower daily? most of the time
....alone? i useually shower alone, but sometimes with a certain female
Have you ever eaten sushi? yes
Did you like it? it was ok
List three things you can't live without: Kiersten,Gween Gat-o-ade, Chicken
What is your best physical feature? Nose
What is your middle name? James
Do you get choked up during dramatic movies? no
What is your biggest pet peeve? Being told what to do while im doing it
have you ever liked someone that all of your friends hate? no
Is there anything that you regret? not being a Plague Marine
Do you want children? yes
How many? 2, a boy and a girl
Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket? no, but failure to control so sorta
What is your favorite number? 666
What is your favorite sports team? n/a
What is your most over-used phrase? Aww piss
What do you not say enough? sombitch
You and your other half:
Did you get over your ex, or are you over him/her? n/a
Are you currently with someone? yes
Do you love him/her? yes very much so
Who said "I love you" first? i did
Where? on the phone
Would you date your ex again? never had one
What is your longest relationship? current
What is your most significant relationship? current
What is the most romantic thing a significant other can do? telling each other that you love each other every day
Do you like pet names? yea
Do you have any? yes, puppy, honey, poopy, poopface, poop, a butt
Is there anything that you won't tolerate in a relationship? lying, cheating
Do you believe in living together before engagement/marriage? yea
Where did you meet your significant other? school
Have you ever broken up? no
Have you ever had your heart broken? no
Have you ever broken someone's heart? no
What is your significant other's birthday? September 14th 1989
What is your anniversary? Feb. 3rd
Does this person know you better than anyone else? yes
Is this person younger than you? no
Where was your first date? applebees
Would you marry this person? yes and i will
Are you happy with your sex life? very :D
who is "Your" band? Turiasas
What is "Your" song? Sade, one under the sun
Do you think you'll be together for a long time? yes for the rest ofour lives
Do you lay in bed and cuddle a lot? all the time
Where was the last place you went together? Steak and Shake
Do you do a lot of surveys? no
did you like this one? yes
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