c@rlos_rAmuLo profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

i waNna bE mySelF!!!

My Interests

gIrls iN pInk & lIght pUrple, bRanded stUffs, hOt pIcs, aIrbrUshed scOOters, haIrstyLe, bUngee jUmpIng?, cHocolate, adIdas sUper stAr, oLd sko0l spec, bAthIng ap3?....

I'd like to meet:

kyLie mInogUe!! wheRe r u kyLie? i mIsS u so mUch~~hahaha jUst kiDding, actually i waNna meet U!!!! (wHo r rEading my pRofiLe)..


bLink 182, diSagree, go0d cHarlotTe, O@G, floP poPPy, deWa, spIder...


50 fiRst dAtes, aM3ricaN pIe 1&2, aM3ricaN weDdIng, cLub deAd, tRoy, itAlian jOb, tRauma, pOntIanak haRum sUndaL mAlam...


cSi, cHarm3d, smalLvilLe, lOveviLle, petUalaNgan sHerIna, MTV, channel V, hItz.tv...


"aku, dia dan sesuatu yg b'guling" by Lola Studd, comIcs, magAzInes (0opps, FHM u.s editIon oNly!!)...


MisS ulTraman, loLita, lollip0p gUrl?.....