CelticQuill profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Born and raised on northside of Chicago...Irish-American and damn proud of it! Married (deliriously happy) with two children. I cherish my family and close friends, make a living doing what I love, routinely finish the New York Times Sunday Magazine Crossword Puzzle and can find the lone firefly in even the darkest cave. When it comes to selecting friends, I am gender-blind, race-blind, age-blind (hey, love IS blind)...and the staying power of my friendships is all about a shared zest for life, staying connected and creating, appreciating and making the most of moments that count. I believe that all people, but especially young people, should be seen, heard and heeded. I cry at movies, random acts of kindness, the successes of those I love, sappy Hallmark cards, beautiful music (especially music!). I am the Czarina of Sarcasm, my kitchen's Commandant, and the Enabling Empress of Empathy. I am not impressed by celebrity, but my eyes widen in awe and admiration at people who use every available resource to make a difference...even if that difference is felt by only a single life. I believe in the basic premises of both "Paying it Forward" and "It's a Wonderful Life." (Aside: Sadly, in this wired (anagram: weird) age of frenetic, frantic movement and amazing technology, we seem to be living like the Jetsons, but thinking like the Flintstones.)I am a bona fide drum corps nut! Was the publicist for the Chicago Royal Airs in 2003, 2004, 2005...and never tire of listening to recordings of the 1965 corps that garnered the triple crown of national championships (VFW, American Legion, CYO)! Drum corps people are loyal, opinonated, fun and never grow up (a GOOD thing!)Would love to split my retirement years abroad (Italy and/or France) and in Chicago. I loathe intolerance, xenophobes, bullies, cruelty, waiting. I do not suffer fools and some call me arrogant. I miss my parents. I am not much of a political animal but know a good/right thing when I see it. After being totally un-wowed by the 2008 presidential candidates, I was moved and motivated by Obama's speech after he surprised us all in Iowa; I am now entirely in his camp.Two winters ago, I trained for, competed in and completed a half-marathon for a cause very dear to my heart.I make a mean cassoulet and my parties are large, noisy and welcoming. I am a published writer/poet, believe the federal government should increase funding for cancer research, and find escape, enlightenment, enchantment and elevation in movies, books, theatre and music. If I could change careers, I would love to be the heir apparent to Dr. Seuss or Anthony Minghella (the absolute best in their respective fields...real-deal Renaissance thinkers and producers!). ..
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Happy St. Pat's Day!

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Readers, writers, thinkers, poets...People who radiate life and can stay up all night talking...Drum corps nuts...People who don't have to "pretend" to love opera...Genealogists...Foodies and innovative cooks (those who know the difference between a gourmand and a gourmet...between Rachael Ray and Julia Child)...Parents with great kids/Kids with great parents...Anyone's hero & all courageous survivors... Wine snobs...Globetrotters and BIG dreamers... Chicagophiles/Francophiles/ Bibliophiles... Movie and Music Lovers...WWII Buffs...Brainiac types who challenge me and jolt and jostle creative and cognitive thinking ("The Quick and the Quirky")... Houseworkphobes...Joyful souls who can quote lines from Shakespeare or memorable movies and sing along to Snow Patrol or Ella Fitzgerald, The Shins or The Beach Boys ... Dharma bums who take to the open road and never, ever bus-tour with tourists...Cheshire Cats who define laughter as music and who believe the louder the better...returning beachcombers who are reluctant to shake out the sand from their shoes...Contented creatures who wag more, bark less...and finally, Chicago boomers who remember and loved Riverview!

My Blog

I know its been awhile...

but I have a BIG favor to ask you!My colleague Dr. Khurs hid Guru, Direc tor of Roswe ll Park Cance r Insti tute' s Robot ics Progr am, has been chose n as a final ist in Time Warne r Cable 's and U...
Posted by on Thu, 02 Oct 2008 09:16:00 GMT

Music Rex

Hello, my friends!I've been traveling again, but managed to add about 50 interesting artists to my iPod this week. Mood is sky-high happy  my son got accepted into NYU  and my mug these days wears ...
Posted by on Thu, 08 May 2008 14:10:00 GMT

Boston Legal

A friend of mine sent me this clip from "Boston Legal." I thought it brilliant, provocative and courageous in its dissection (some might say, illumination) of the many contradictions and inconsistenci...
Posted by on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 06:00:00 GMT

Connections or Coincidences? Help Me Decide.

Before I get into the theme of this blog, I’d like to share four personal anecdotes that have significantly affected, perhaps I should say, forced me to question my concrete (ie, "black and whit...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 17:53:00 GMT

Life Lessons: An Open Letter to My Dad

Good evening, my friends.This coming March 23...Easter Sunday...marks the first year anniversary of my Father’s death. When my beloved Dad turned 75 four years ago, my siblings and I celebrated ...
Posted by on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 19:07:00 GMT

More whimsy

Good afternoon, friends.I am sitting in my home office, a winter scarf noosed around my neck, listening to Radiohead's "All I Need." I am dreaming of warmer climates...see below. The Ballad of Boca G...
Posted by on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 11:54:00 GMT

Poems by Colleen

Exploring my whimsical side. Hey, what else is there to do when the temp is hovering around 10? If you have a small child in your family, you may want to read him/her Poem 2. SKINNY POEMSAll right.You...
Posted by on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 10:05:00 GMT

Leap Year Musica

Gentle music for a harsh February. Like warm compresses for popsicle toes. When Sunny Gets Blue...McCoy TynerFebruary Sun... Garbarek, Katche, Wasilewski, Kurki (Buy the whiole CD...It's called "Neigh...
Posted by on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 18:29:00 GMT

Reflections on NIU

Good morning, my friends.In 1980, I received my graduate degree in English from Northern Illinois University. Outside of us folks who live or lived in Illinois, I'm not sure if many outsiders know tha...
Posted by on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 07:44:00 GMT


Yes, Fellow Travelers, I've been "away." Buried my muse in the backyard (albeit in a very shallow grave) , and we're both praying for Resurrection Day. Poetry on hold for awhile, although I did get tw...
Posted by on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 14:13:00 GMT