im naturally nice and confident, hate arguning, cause i can be so nasty i can make ppl cry, oops, i worry alot and get very paranoid and jealous, but what girl doesn't, i'm good at deciving people- so beware, hate not keepin in touch with people, so will from time to time bombard my mates, who i dont see every day, with msgs, sorry bout that guys, but shows i'm thinkin of ya, strong and inderpendently minded, so i'm no sheep and refuse to follow fashion things, like havin to be and dress a certain way to be cool, its stupid, like doing my own thing and get bored very easily. living in manchester at the moment, studying at manchtester met, having a great time, so if your near drop me a line, but thats me basically, lots of secrets i havnt told u but u need to work some charm to find them out :p
Your Famous Last Words Will Be:
"I dunno, press the button and find out."
What Will Your Famous Last Words Be?
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right i have a varied taste of music- its bloody good, and got too many brilliant bands to name in this thing and will jus look lame doin that, so jus ask me if u wana know exactly
MySpace Avatars Lyrics
the dark materials trilogy by philip pullman is amazing everyone has to read it, if u dnt like it ull get ur money bk, trust me its fantastic!!!!!
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height="346" width="430"
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