C-J Bartz Nielsen profile picture

C-J Bartz Nielsen

I am here for Networking

About Me

Hi.. My name is C-J
I found out 3 things about myself recently.
1. im quite jealous and i definatley overthink things when i get jealous about them. this tends to create very vicious circles that mash up my brain and make me very difficult to be around. sometimes. maybe. if you like.
2. i'd really quite like to have a simple life. to be happy with the simple things in life and never want more. if i never wanted more, the things i have would always be enough and i would never take anything for granted.
3. im not as insecure as i think i am. but i do like attention, and when i dont get it i get insecure. when i craving attention is when im most worried about myself, apart from those times, i reeeeeeally dont care about alot.
i'd like to meet someone who understands the beautiful things. someone who will throw stones at my bedroom window and take me for adventures in the middle of the night. someone who like to get intoxicated and have random conversations. someone who enjoys weird noises, odd questions and curling up into tiny balls and rolling around on the floor.
i live in a shitty town where there are too many people that have too much time on their hands. people talk. im sure if you live near me, you will understand that point.
I believe that everyone is different, usually not what you think they are, and that everyone has a story to tell. if more people stopped to listen, the world would be a much nicer place to live in…..
The end…

My Interests

My Lord

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I'd like to meet:

Young Nikki Sixx.. cos Im have a plan to screw his brain off .. Tommy Lee... As I still wonder y da fuck he wanted Pammy bitch And Jamie yep ! My Word : Too Often we lose sight of lifes symple pleasures..Remember when someone annoys you its takes 42 muscles to frown but only 4 to extend your arm and slap the Cunt..


The callin
Motley Crue
Nikki Sixx
Gwen Stefani


American History X
American Beauty
Butterfly Effect
Y tu mama tambien
La Mala educación
Requiem for a dream


Prison Break
Family guy


Danny Boy,The Dirt,High Fidelity


The One !