Punysfora profile picture


About Me

CAT: Punysfora és una banda catalana de punkoi que neix a finals del 99, però no és fins al 2002 que pren forma definitivament, influenciada per bandes com Opciók95, Pilseners, Cockney rejects, Blitz, Skatalà...
El 2004 autoediten la primera maqueta d'assaig amb tres temes pròpis, l'únic material disponible del grup fins al moment.
Actualment, després de canvis de local, alguns concerts, militància en altres bandes i projectes, i un impàs de més d'un any que quasibé els porta a plegar, no es donen per vençuts i preparen nou material per a principis de l'any vinent. Mentrestant, els podràs veure en algun o altre concert.
ENG: Punysfora is a Catalan punkoi band that was born at the end of 99, but was formed definitively in 2002, influenced by bands like Opciók95, Pilseners, Cockney rejects, Blitz, Skatalà ...
In 2004 they selfedit their first demo with three songs, which is the only disposable material of the group at this moment.
At present, after changes of essay room, some concerts, militancy in other bands and projects, and more than one year with no stuff that almost leads them to split, they do not consider themselves finished and prepare new stuff for next year. In the meantime, you will be able to see them at some concerts.

My Interests


Member Since: 7/11/2007
Record Label: UNKNOWN

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