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..:{{ !Simply Eccentric
Current Music. Regina Spektor
{{{ Fidelity
Name. ella
Age. 18
Current Location. New York, New York
Popped Out Of My Mom In. Manila, Philippines
Currently Reading. A History Of God & Baghdad Burning
There is no such thing as right or wrong. Good or evil. Even as humans we are not godlike enough to determine what is and what isn't. How are we the feeble minded human race to determine what lives & dies? Who are we to say that the gods themselves has given their powers to us? We have abused every living thing to the point where we had to protect certain species. We are slowly killing ourselves without thinking about the future. Our world is crumbling yet no one seems to notice or care. The future is starting to get dimmer as our supplies in our world are slowly decaying or are being destroyed by our own hands. We create & we destroy. That seems to be the perfect slogan that everybody seems to live by. So what does this have anything to do with Heroes? NOT A GODDAMN THING! HA! Bite my ass fuck face! I do what I want & however I want. It just happens that I feel like writing it here. Now if you have any fucking complains take a piece of paper write it down & shove it up your grandmas ass. <[i>Moving on...] I pity our homo sapien race. I pity how we cannot get along. I pity how even a little spark could ignite such disaster causing pain & endless destruction. I pity why we cannot sit down like adults & consult our problems. I pity how the world has gotten into. I pity how nobody puts themselves in the same situation as the other person. But then again, I am human & we do tend to dwell on the negative outlook of life & never really see the roses the have sprouted on the side in our path to life. You know, majority of the issues happening to the world is a lack of love. Let me repeat: MAJORITY OF THE ISSUES HAPPENING TO THE WORLD IS A LACK OF LOVE.