So what can I say about myself? I try and treat others the way I'd want to be treated...I'm generally easy going, but damn it I'm a I have my days. I try and love those around me, laugh with others, comfort others, try and give more than I selfless. I notice the magic all around me, and take things optimistically. Except when my hormones are out of control, then I'm a big emotional mess. That's when you need to stay out of my way. Sorry kids. But for the most part, I love making new friends, trying new things, making others feel good. I LOVE TO LAUGH. Did I mention that already? AND I LOVE TO LOVE. I thank GOD everyday for things and for people I'm so fortunate to have in my life. I'm such a musical person. My biggest passion is singing. I don't sing in front of people, I'm trying to get past that, but if I truly sing in front of you...then consider yourself special. That would mean I'm completely comfortable around you...and there are only four people on the planet I truly sing in front of. I'm a vegetarian and I'm environmentally conscious, which means don't litter in front of me and please Recycle! Etc. etc. So there you are...a summary of me. Without going into too much detail, I'm a far far complex person. Not many people will understand. But I love you anyway.
Just call me Rogue....
What Classic Pin-Up Are You?
You Are 40% Pure
You're not so innocent... in fact, you're quite unpure.
You have seen and experienced a lot. And you're no worse for the wear!