About Me
"I will tell you in another life, when we are both cats."
I'm a contradiction. An introverted extrovert. An intelligent airhead. A motivated slacker. A kind-hearted asshole. A level-headed nutcase. A cynical hopeless romantic... I'm a bit Goth, a bit Rock N' Roll, a bit GQ, and I grew up in the Country... I'm the classiest Trailer Trash you'll ever meet, except I once lived in a mansion. I'm good & evil, dark & light, up & down, mongoose & cobra, and everything in between...
One thing is for certain, I'm definitely fun to have around, and will happily make an ass out of myself to cause a few laughs. Often this involves making asses out of those around me as well... After all, share the wealth, right?
I'm originally from Peterborough, Ontario, in the frigid wastelands of Canada, but now seek my fortunes - whatever they may prove to be - in the city of Lost Angels. I could be anything I want to be, I just haven't decided yet which... One day my path will be revealed, or I'll get lost in the bushes somewhere off to the left.
I'm a graphic designer, sometime writer, and artist. I'd like to think I'm a rock star, except I have no musical talent. I breathe music, devour books, and feast on movies. I'm a dork at heart, who somewhere along the way became cool. I still don't know when this happened or how.
I recently walked away from 5+ years as a Corporate Whore, in the hopes of pursuing more creative/artistic passions closer to my heart. It's time to push myself to do all of the things that I came to LA for, and should have been doing all along... Among these interests: modeling, acting, photography, writing, fashion design, architectural design, graphic design, music, event promotions, interior design, fine art, directing... I am incredibly creative, and realise that there are many many outlets available to me to express myself, and I would like to try my hand at all of them where and whenever possible... So, I'm finally taking a leap that has been a long time in coming, there is no net below, let's see where I splatter...
(If you think you might be able to assist me with these endeavours in any way, then please, by all means, let me know... Success in entertainment & the arts is all about networking, and I'm willing to take all the advantages I can get... I know, I know, totally selfish and self promoting plug, but hey, I'm being honest here.)
One day I'll be something. Until I get there, I'm content just to be...
"Eventually all things merge into one. And a river runs through it. The river was cut by the world's great flood and runs over rocks from the basement of time. On some of the rocks are timeless raindrops. Under the rocks, are the words. And some of the words are theirs. I am haunted by waters."
"All good things come by grace...
And grace comes by art...
And art, does not come easily..."
"I wasn't born with enough middle fingers."
"I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life. To put to rout all that was not life; and not, when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived."
I dress this way to open your eyes... And with that, hopefully, your mind. Do not seek to stereotype or label me... For, whatever it is you determine, you will be wrong. This is my service to humanity, at least, for now.