You are Pan Jin Lian!
The Chinese goddess of fornication and
prostitution. According to myth, she was a
young widow caught making love by her
brother-in-law. He killed her lover. The widow
became the patroness of prostitutes, who
frequently make obeisance to her as they enter
their places of business.
Which Chinese Mythological Being Are You?
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You're a Vampire. Vampires were the creatures of
the night that were believed to live off of
human blood. Count Dracula, being the most
famous vampire, set the stereotype. They had
dark hair and pale skin from being away from
the sunlight. If they actually existed, it's
very possible they had the skin disease that
made you allergic to the sun so whenever the
sunlight would hit it, it would hurt like
crazy. They were usually snobbish and control
freaks and kept werewolves as pets. (If you
cannot see the picture, go to my userpage and
look near the bottom. There should be the
picture and description for all the results)
What Mystical Creature Are You? (Pictures)
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As seen on Break.comYEAH BABY YEAH. . .