One of the keys to happiness is a bad memory
- Rita Mae Brown*~*~*~*~*~*Truthfully?
I'm an old granny stuck in a young girl's body! ^-^ I'm 21 and am virtually uninterested in partying, drinking or ever getting high.It sounds weird but just those things make me feel like I'm a different species! I'm in my third year at SUU and involved with the American Sign Language and Native American club. I'm leaning towards a Psychology major and hopefully double minoring in Sociology and English. I'm a proud child of 2 dads! On top of that I'm heterosexually (as well as vertically) challenged. ^-^ I guess I'm trying to say that I'm also gay. Bet you're going to hit the BACK button after reading that! hehe If you're not sure you like gay people, I respect that. Though, it's good to keep an open mind and get to know one of us before passing judgements. :)(although, as is rule of thumb, everyone is unique and different. You can't know one straight/gay person and have them all figured out! darn ^^) We discover things about ourselves all the time. (even if in reality, we knew it all along--who's we? I mean "I" ^^) If you take time to understand and be honest with yourself, then life has so much more value, acceptance, and worth. Which inevitably equals... your happiness! :) I miss California's enthusiasm and thirst for diversity. I think it helped prevent me from developing unfair prejudices or biases and created a mind set to welcome all walks of life. And for that I'm grateful! I really love and miss my family and good friends, especially Lindsey ^^. I love to play sports and generally just like anything that makes me laugh and feel like a complete bloody idiot ^-^
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