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I like to meet Oprah Winfrey, Janet Jackson, and Julia Roberts. i chose Oprah because here she is this strong intelligent rich black woman, there is something about her that is very appealing, maybe because shes such an intellect. Janet i chose because wow shes 40 and looks great, no seriously Janet seems to be child like, like innocent, but shes an incredible artist, shes eclectrifying on stage. and Julia because i love her acting, i adore her acting actually, she seems to have this great sense of humor, and a beautiful smile, shes funny too, shes an wonderful actress. there are many others i love to meet, but i appreciate each of these women, you got to learn to appreciate their hard work it does pay off. and of course im open to meet people from myspace i know there are many people just like me, whose willing to meet different people, pause for a moment people, what if the world was made up of the same people, and we all looked just alike talk alike did everything alike, wouldnt this be just boring? i think we'd all be bored out of our minds, so its so fascinating that were different thats what makes its so interesting, the world is all about people, the world only goes around because of him, and thats the heavenly father people keep him in your heart, learn to say thank you Jesus he has blessed us, so we can give thanks, and learn to love yourself and the people around you, trust me its so much better that way. i have to add I love Bruce Lee i would of have loved to meet him, there was and is still something fascinating about Bruce, anyway i loved his movie (Bruce Lee the Legend), excellent movie about his life