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Nine miles tour

About Me

The Story So Far
The 9 Miles to the Gallon Tour kicked off in with a bang at The Moving Stairs in Roscommon, Boyles ambassador venue for the biggest acts coming to town. The three bands played to a busy night’s trade and reaction to the show was well above par according to local punters.
The Voodoo in Letterkenny was the next point of call for The Fundamentals, The Looks and Hidden From Nowhere. The Voodoo was packed tight with the Venue looking for the acts to return as soon as their diaries see fit. Friday night, and there is a buzz around the town of Bundoran as the tour continues it’s venture across Donegal. Again, the Chasing Bull was rife with local music lovers who commented to have had a most enjoyable night and many left happy owners of the 9 Miles EP.
The following day, Saturday the 4th and the sun gleams over Grange in Sligo where the Grange Music Festival is taking place. Here, The Fundamentals and Hidden From Nowhere play to a crowd of young music lovers, most of who are budding musicians. I’m sure they learned a thing or two from Hidden From Nowhere. :)
The EMM Music Festival was the next music expo to be infected by the 9 Miles Tour. Here, the 3 bands separated into 3 different venues to showcase their music on their own terms. Friday the 10th of August and the tour experiences its first setback. The first show of the South East leg of the tour at the Underground (Music Factory) is cancelled due to issues with the Venue but is more than compensated for the following night in The Zoo Club in Kilkenny. A huge audience of a few hundred packs the Venue for what is essentially The Fundamentals homecoming but had their work cut out with the distractingly impressive shows put on first by both The Looks and Hidden From Nowhere. As the concentration of shows becomes less intense the tour moves North again with a show by the Docks in the Spirit Store in Dundalk followed by a trip across the country to Baker’s Place in Limerick. Again, a show with a good local crowd appreciating what the bands had to offer. The Final gig of the August leg of the tour brought the bands to The Stables in Mullingar where a power house show filled this prestigious venue with what was by now a solid, melodic and extremely tight show put out by all bands. The tour is now beginning to stand to these three lively acts in terms of both experience and professionalism.
The next show will bring the tour right to the South of the country for the first time and let’s hope Electric Avenue in Waterford on Friday the 21st of September will prove as successful as what has gone before. But the contrary looks unlikely at this stage as the tour starts to find its own feet as a quality outlet of what’s out there on the current Irish rock music scene.
The "Nine Miles to the Gallon" tour brings together bands from the top 5, hit album "Our Space". The album which was funded by "3" was produced by DCFE records. The Dublin based bands, "The Fundamentals", "The Looks" and "Hidden From Nowhere" will play 13 dates in ten counties over August and September.
At each event the audience will be treated to a night of original, live music, as well as the opportunity to pick up a copy of the "Nine Miles to the gallon EP". The CD features a track from each group and provides a taster to their future releases.
In addition to live performances from the bands at the Grange Music Festival in Sligo , their tour manager, John McFadden will provide workshops on organising tours and setting up a record label. After the festival performance, the bands can be heard live on Shannonside/Northern Soul from 6pm on the same day, Saturday 4th of August.
Nine Miles To The Gallon Tour dates:

Wednesday 1st of August – The Moving Stairs, Boyle, Roscommon
Thursday 2nd of August – Voodoo, Letterkenny, County Donegal
Friday 3rd of August – The Chasing Bull, Bundoran, County Donegal
Saturday 4th of August – The Grange Music Festival, County Sligo
Saturday 4th of August – Shannonside/Northern Sound, County Longford
Sunday 5th of August – Community Radio Castlebar, 102.9fm, County Mayo
Sunday 5th of August – EMM Festival, Nenagh, County Tipperary
Friday 10th of August – The Underground at the Music Factory, Carlow
Saturday 11th of August – The Zoo Club, Kilkenny
Thursday 16th of August – The Spirit Store, Dundalk, County Louth
Thursday 23rd of August – Baker's Place, Limerick
Saturday 25th of August – The Stables, Mullingar, County Westmeath
Thursday 20th of September – WIT, Waterford
Friday 21st of September – Electric Avenue , Waterford
Monday 24th of September - Eamon Doran's, Temple Bar, Dublin
Friday 12th of October – The Sound Bunker, Phibsboro, Dublin
Tuesday 6th of November - Eamon Doran's, Temple Bar, Dublin
Saturday 17th of November - Fred Zeppelins, Parliment Street, Cork
Tuesday 27th of November - Eamon Doran's, Temple Bar, Dublin
Tuesday 11th of December - Eamon Doran's, Temple Bar, Dublin
Tuesday 15th of January - Eamon Doran's, Temple Bar, Dublin

My Interests


Member Since: 11/07/2007
Record Label: Nine Miles Records
Type of Label: Indie

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