VolverA profile picture


About Me

Metropolde dogmus, müzige canini emanet etmis ve öylece büyümüs olanlardan kurulu Volvera... Aslen dogadaki ve insan yasamindaki sürekliligi, degisimi ve yenilenmeyi, duraganliga karsi koyusu ifade eden Volvera, 2007'de kuruldu... Yerin altinda biryerlerde içinden yeserdigi bu karanlik atmosferin izlerini tasiyarak gün isigina çikmaya hazirlaniyor. Akli basinda olanlar dünyanin pek de iyiye gitmediginin ayirdinda... Buradan yeni bir müzigin, yeni bir estetigin dogmasi pek muhtemel ama bu yeni müzik, üç dakika ile sinirli sarki formlari ile var olamaz; bu kesin. Yogurdu üflemeden önce neyin radikal, yeni birsey söyleyen ve neyin degisim vaat eden oldugunun farkina varmakta fayda var. Bu altyapi üzerine tüm bunlardan beslenen ve tüm bunlara tepki olarak Volvera'nin kendi müzigi dogdu... iste ne olduysa bundan sonra oldu...They were born in metropolis and risked their lives to entrusted with music.. so the growing of individuals formed by Volvera. Essentially Volvera is the variation and continuity and renovation of nature and human life.. has been founded 2007. Under the earth in somewhere, in this darkness from inside atmosphere appear day light is preparing to go. The mind in the beginning of those who are Is improving the world did not aware of.. from hence, a new recovery and a new music be discovery likely but, this new music with 3 minute and limited song forms no chance, its exact. Regret for not what is radical and what is something new and said that change what is the promise that the need to know. The foundation of the all these fed and all these as a response to the Volvera own music was born.. And all such begins..

My Interests


Member Since: 11/07/2007
Band Members:
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Harp is online,Yuxexes Ar-Ge Performance Video

       The first song of our first Ep called Harp (means warfare in English) is online.We made the Ep records by ourselves and the mixes and mastering belongs our guitarist.The animation video will be...
Posted by on Sat, 30 May 2009 14:13:00 GMT