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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hi! I'm Richard Goodson, a poet (aka dirtyfilthypoet). I'm based in Nottingham, U.K., currently working towards a PhD, and my first collection. I perform my work, lead writing workshops - and have taught Literature and Writing seminars at Nottingham Trent University. Oh, and in my dayjob I teach English language to asylum-seekers and refugees...My poems are often about male embodiment, male sexuality and gender. They've been described as 'visceral', 'erotic' and 'surreal'.I've been published nationally, in magazines such as 'Chroma: A Queer Literary Journal', 'The Interpreter's House' and 'Poetry News' - and recently had my poem 'Daniel Craig Screensaver' selected as The Poetry Society's Poem Of The Month.I'm also the founder of Queerpo (Queer Poetics Workshop), a collective of poets and artists who want to explore how Queer Theory impacts - or might impact - on their artistic practice.Check out my blog at - add a comment there, or mail me here. It'll be great to hear from you!

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Poets, other artists - and possible collaborators for multimedia projects/performances

My Blog

Nineteen Sixty Nine (draft 5 - part one)

Nineteen Sixty Nine (Draft 5) ...Oedipal?  No! Butdirectors, in the films of their liveswould, of course, cut their dadsfrom some scenes.  Like this one.  Mum loves snow, jumpsoff the last bus, still ...
Posted by on Fri, 06 Feb 2009 05:24:00 GMT


 Tonight I fancy bareback types this youthwho stretches out in Gaydar's virtual rooms. In '86 a TV ad rammed doom'swhite lilies so far up my arse the truth -- and curse - when I was this youth's age w...
Posted by on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 00:44:00 GMT