Bar Covadonga + Cactus + Cafe + Callecitas empedradas + Catedrales + Chocolate + Color Rojo + Dead Dolls + Disenio + Fotografia + Gargolas + Jugos + Libros + Malkavian + Musica + My Melody :P + Sangre (no me creo vampira, ni me siento darki... pero me gusta la sangre) + Seventies + Te + Turista + el PAN... de dulce + Perros + Viajar + Vodka + Wille Coyote
a Juanito Depp, Felipe Anselmo, Nicolas Seis, a Pedro Gabriel, a Pedro Morfeo, Jaime Pagina, Roberto Planta, a las calabazas aplastadas... ay yaaa!!
Aerosmith, After Forever, Agora, Aghora, Anthrax, Arrecife, Ataraxia, Babasonicos, Bauhaus, Beck, Belanova, Bethoveen (si el viviera fuera darketo!!), Bjork, Bossanova Music, Celtic Music, Chikita Violenta, Cocky BrainFuzz, COMANDANTE MONO!!!!... YEAAAH!!! hahhahaa, Cuca, David Bowie, Dead Can Dance, Deep Forest, Dnk, ElliNoise, Elefant, Ely Guerra, Endorfina!!!,Finde, Garbage, In Extremo, Indian Music, INXS, Iron Maiden, Jamiroquai, Jumbo, Kiss, Kunfu Monkeysss, Lacunacoil, Led Zepellin, Loreena Mackenitt, Los Autenticos Decadentes, Los fabulosos Cadillacs, Los Goyos, Los Pericos, Lvia, Maria Barracuda, Maria Daniela y su sonido lasser, Massive Attack, Moenia, Molotov, Morrisey, Motley Crue, Nelly Furtado, Nena, Nightwish, Pantera, Plastiko, Plastilina Mosh, Paranoise, Pixies, Portishead, Peter Gabriel, Peter Murphy, Rancid!!,Robbie Williams, Richard Cheese, Rolling Stones, Salon Victoria, Scissors Sisters, Silverio, Soda Stereo, Stars, The Cure, The Doors, The Killers, The sins of thy Beloved, The Strokes, Titan, Trio Music (it's true!!), Within Temptation, Zoe, 2raumwohnung
A clockwork Orange, Back to the future [las 3], Interview with the vampire, La Caida, Matando Cabos, Requiem for a Dream, The Others, Starwars, Silence of the Lambs, Seven... y las de Indiana Jones!!
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La vida surrealista! The simpsons, Pollo Robot XD
Abril Rojo, Alice in Wonderland, Diablo Guardian, El Perfume, El retrato de Dorian Gray, Lestat, Los Hornos de Hitler, Pensativa, Pshycosis, Rayuela, Travesuras de la Ninia Mala, 100 anios de soledad.
We can be heroes... just for one day!!