Skip Workman profile picture

Skip Workman

I am THE Skip Workman you have read about :)

About Me

Like I said in my headline I am "The Skip" that helped Sonny (Ralph) create the Oakland chapter in the 1950's (see his biogrpahy or rent Hells Angels '69 or any other movies I have been in). I retired from the club in 1981 (hell of a year huh?) due to a severe case of Spinal Stanosis (I could not ride accident meant paralysis). I left on great terms and still speak with many members to this day.My main focus now is to help Disabled American Vets who are being screwed by our Gov't! If you know anyone in this kind of situation please contact me ASAP as I can help greatly. I held the "State Commander" position in Maine one year (2005-2006) helping Vets and I am really looking forward to any DAV issues I can help with!!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Any and all DAV/81 members/81 supporters feel free to add away!!!!L/H/R-Skip



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