4 years gone |
well, I thought I'd better go ahead and get some of it out of my system. As many of you know, October 31st marked now 4 years since I left the radio world and guess what....yes, I still abso(f*@ing)lu... Posted by on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 16:35:00 GMT |
friends RULE! |
absolutely amazing! I decide to blog a bit to get my feelings out and my friends come to my rescue. I love you guys!! Thank you SO much for your thoughts, comments, words of encouragement and even pho... Posted by on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 19:15:00 GMT |
down, but not out, by any means |
Alright, here's the deal...I haven't written a blog since around my birthday, so I thought I'd jot down my thoughts here this afternoon, as I've got the day off.I seem to be in a slump of life right n... Posted by on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 12:16:00 GMT |
40 and lovin' it! |
Well, 40 has now come and gone and I actually feel pretty good about it. I can tell you this, 40 for me was a hellava lot better than 30.My 40th will go down as one day that I will truly ALWAYS rememb... Posted by on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 19:19:00 GMT |
already been a year? |
Well I can't believe it's already been a year since I let my bar go, damn! where does the time go? I still miss it, just like I still miss radio. The difference is, I want to do radio again. The bar, ... Posted by on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 12:55:00 GMT |
concerts |
Well, I've meant to do this for a few days now and I'm finally getting around to getting it done. I wanted to express my EXTREME pleasure with the recent Def Leppard / Journey show in Kansas City. I m... Posted by on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 20:07:00 GMT |
my bar, or now lack of it. |
well, I guess I oughta fess up and tell you all that I'm no longer in the bar business. In fact, I haven't been since the middle of February. I got to the point where I couldn't make it work, so I'm o... Posted by on Sun, 09 Apr 2006 17:21:00 GMT |
my late father's 80th birthday |
well, here I am sitting in front of my computer thinking that I should be headed to bed, but I thought I'd convey my thoughts first. It's almost a new year, but I never really enjoy ringing in th... Posted by on Fri, 30 Dec 2005 21:51:00 GMT |
Billboard Awards |
I watched the Billboard Awards tonight on Fox and I must say, it was pretty cheesy at moments, but it was great to see Tom Petty honored.
That man is probably my generations Bob Dylan. He has indeed w... Posted by on Tue, 06 Dec 2005 20:49:00 GMT |
another weekend closes out. |
well, here we are yet again on a late Sunday evening or by looking at the clock...early Monday morning.
The Chiefs pulled off another miracle today at home against Denver. Way to go guys! You kicked a... Posted by on Sun, 04 Dec 2005 23:14:00 GMT |