Lauren Amber profile picture

Lauren Amber

I am here for Friends

About Me

i guess i should start with the most important thing - i am a pirate, im not an evil pirate and im not a modern pirate and i dont steal things and i dont take over boats and keep people hostage and then kill them anyway and i dont own a gun or a cutlass and i dont dress like a pirate and i dont have my own ship and i dont have my own flag design i am however still a also in a band. we dont have a name yet, vicky is in the band with me, thats it so far, she wants to play bass and i want to play guitar. the band is still in the 'wanna be in a band' stages. but fuck you i dont care its still a well as being a pirate and musician i am also a roadtrip enthusiast and if it wasnt for the fact i have a full time job,no im not a lazy tax dodging student - i dont hate students really, then i would spend all of my life on the open road, playing guitar and dreaming of the high other point:i seemed to have developed an alcohol dependency, but im not an alcoholic,oh no matey,not me, im in control of my drinking.oh im also a closet punk,well no im not a closet punk i AM A PUNK. ok well im not really a punk but i like punk music and i own this really cool punk leather jacket that i share with vicky and claire but none of us ever wear it coz that was a kind of stupid idea. if you are a musician or singer looking for a band, drop me, or victoria aka maurice, a line and we can get this ball rolling im sick of pipe dreams.
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My Interests

music is my main interest. my friends are freaky and i love them, they're interesting to me so i guess i will class them as an interest. i think music and my friends,my very best friends,are equal.

I'd like to meet:

uma thurman


fiery furnaces the buzzcocks,the clash,the ramones,the sex pistols,the new york dolls,blondie,paul simon/simon and garfunkle,the distillers,the smiths,joy division,sparks,prince,creedence clear water revival,garbage,nirvana,david bowie,rolling stones,juliette and the licks,biffy clyro,carly simon,hole,music from kill bill,northern soul,anything that comes recommended by vicky or ant the velvet underground, le tigre, the cranberries,patti smith, joni mitchell,extreme,underoath,beastie boys,white stripes,meatloaf,tenacious d,inxs,qotsa,blink 182


jay and silent bob (all kevin smith hes the bomb), kill bill 1&2, austin powers 1&2, star wars trilogy, waynes world 1&2, ghostworld, pulp fiction, dark crystal, labyrinth, Uncle Buck, kissing jessica stein,the fog, halloween, battle royal, nightmare before christmas


spongebob, futurama, simpsons, family guy, l word,friends, buffy, nighty night, the mighty boosh, bad girls,desperate houswives,scrubs,er, titty bang bang


star wars, little women, nothern lights trilogy, tom robbins, hitch hikers guide to the galaxy(trilogy of 4)


brody dalle, obi wan kenobi, debbie harry my all time hero, so sadly missed

My Blog

hp7 (no spoilers)

I just finished the deathly hallows, it was a very good read, i feel kinda sad that its the last book, but at least theres a couple more films to come, im sure someone will do a comic or a cartoon or ...
Posted by Lauren Amber on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 09:06:00 PST

hp7 (no spoilers)

I just finished the deathly hallows, it was a very good read, i feel kinda sad that its the last book, but at least theres a couple more films to come, im sure someone will do a comic or a cartoon or ...
Posted by Lauren Amber on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 09:06:00 PST

lauren needs to kick the crack habit

I just copied nada bulletin that says type  'your name' needs: in google. so i did. i posted the top one but the others were funny so i wanted to post them. Lauren needs attention was the first t...
Posted by Lauren Amber on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 03:23:00 PST

Im changing my name back to lauren,it is nicer to write(that has nothing to do with this blog)

Put your player on shuffle and use song titles to complete the questions.What does next year have in store for me? Abracadabra What does your love life look like? Just like heaven What do I say when...
Posted by Lauren Amber on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 03:15:00 PST

this quiz is so gay

01. How old were you when you came "out"?      19 i think?02. How old were you when you had your 1st GF?    18(sort of gf)03. Do you consider yourself Butch, Fe...
Posted by Lauren Amber on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 10:41:00 PST

Here comes a bikini whale

Also i want to be called robin for a while. thanks
Posted by Lauren Amber on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 12:50:00 PST

rock lobster

i just googled rock lobster and found loads of facts and wrote a massive blog then tried to copy and paste a paragraph from wikipedia on to the end of it and the fucker froze my computer and then when...
Posted by Lauren Amber on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 12:49:00 PST

i think those two over there are satanists.

ghost world is on. its great. it made me remember the ghost world day me and cheryl had oh so many years ago when we just used to go to manchester to hang out. i dont think we had proper jobs back the...
Posted by Lauren Amber on Tue, 01 May 2007 02:16:00 PST

it knocked me down in one fell swoop

oh my what a weekend i have had, its been amazing. i saw some old friends who i dont go out with that often anymore and had a fucking fantastic time. friday saturday and sunday were all amazing. last ...
Posted by Lauren Amber on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 09:21:00 PST

i still prefer cuddles and strokes

DON'T change your top friends, and answer 22 questions about the 3rd person in your top friends.1) What's their name?Antoinette Mcloughlin2) Do you trust them?Yes3) Where did you meet them?In The Ship...
Posted by Lauren Amber on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 12:20:00 PST