Hi, my name is Paul Jackson (going by the name of The Revolutionist), I'm 18, I've been Djing for 3 years, writing and recording music for 5 years.
I'm part of Decat DJ's that is Darnall Education Centre Associated Training, a community based music project in Darnall, Sheffield, UK. I've been working there for 1 year, and under took the Djing and Studio Engineering Course there.
I mix mainly trance and house, I love to experiment with different sounds, using samples, automating tracks, using effects, mess around till I get the right sounds for the tracks I like.
At the moment I'm undergoing the AquaSonix Project which is a joint project with me and DJ Bathey (http://www.myspace.com/djbathey) creating various different types of music.
Thats all for now, thanks for reading through. I'm creating an album with all my works on that is gonna be release sometime soon. Keep coming back for I'm still uploading music.
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