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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

about me? a self description? it sounds like a purchase lol but well, everybody likes music and the same stuff but what makes us diferents one from others is maybe what we all should write in about me and i'm not that diferent from you but mmm well yes we are very diferents, when you write in about you at least you know what you are talking about, right now i have no fuckin' idea what an i writing lol, no but seriously i'm a nice guy, i like honesty as everyone else the diference is that i don't just say it i'm for real, i hate people who stereotypes others so i hate stupid people or i don't hate but i just don't care, even when i can get along with almust anyone, i would say i'm polite on the right mood, i can listen so that makes me a good friend but don't come with stupid problems when you already know the solution, i also like art, music with with fucking attitud or real meaning, at least with complexity, i like some reading and i say some cos' there are many useless books, i like to hang out at the bars but i prefer the company of a nice girl, i like the talking also, i love my freedom, i'm afraid of jail lol, i don't know it's hard to talk about me, i'm not so good selling myself this way lol well i'm spontanious also but not in a stupid way, i hate cliches and it's because i prefer creativity, well there should be more to say but that's it for now
Enjoy the massive collection of myspace layouts I found

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

whoever wants to meet me

My Blog

some shit while i was drunk

Check out my recordings and let me know what you think! fuck you
Posted by on Sat, 25 Oct 2008 02:48:00 GMT

Check out my new recordings!!

Check out my recordings and let me know what you think! bad mic but i still try
Posted by on Sat, 25 Oct 2008 02:39:00 GMT

Russell’s Neptune is in Sagitarius and Mercury is in Leo (true)

My Psychic Impressions......i think is accurate You have the admirable ability to create your own reality. That's because your imagination is so powerful that you're able to project images from your f...
Posted by on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 15:27:00 GMT

Russell’s Sun is in Leo and Jupiter is in Leo

time and place i was born combined with the position of the planets this is was it says about sounds cool i wanted to share Bet on yourself every time and you'll come out as a winner. And ...
Posted by on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 15:12:00 GMT

poetry and honesty

the poetry is important, the central column of the art is the poetry, the poetry is the search of an honest beauty, the beauty is not enough must be alike are love and poetry? is love the c...
Posted by on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 02:10:00 GMT

siceridad y estrategia sincerity and strategy

Sinceridad y estrategia Son tan inciertas como la raiz que plantea este asunto por no resolver, sinceridad y estrategia es algo tan cercano a la ilusion que en algun momento puede ser real, ya no es ...
Posted by on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 01:22:00 GMT

art and i'm drunk as ussual

art needs to be autentic that's why its art, art is not what other wants...autenticity is the root and that root is so extensive........that art can be anything upong human expression so that means th...
Posted by on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 02:45:00 GMT

2 programings in my head

FIRST I love you, yes I love you ..... life you are beautiful for that reason I am going to you to create a name since never you have had it, i'll do it when my dreams become reality, when that ...
Posted by on Fri, 04 May 2007 01:09:00 GMT

2 programaciones en mi cabeza

PRIMERA te amo, si te amo.....vida eres hermosa por eso te voy a crear un nombre ya que nunca lo has tenido, te lo voy a crear el dia que mis suenos se hagan realidad, cuando ese dia nunca se logre se...
Posted by on Fri, 04 May 2007 00:39:00 GMT

about today

larga y cruda extension a la mitad del dia la cual tenia como pasado un nervioso despertar presedido de unas ganas de crear y ser feliz lo cual se logro con unas cuantas vueltas que en ocaciones le di...
Posted by on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 17:37:00 GMT