Renfield-Fanzine profile picture


About Me

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Welcome to the permanent Embassy of the Renfield-Fanzine at Myspace.
When in some distant future a banner of the RENFIELD-FANZINE will exist (for what reasons however) we will put our credo on it:
KRIMS'n'KRAMS& ROCK'N'ROLL- because that's actually all you can find in RENFIELD-Fanzine.
Rock'n'Roll - in all kinds of styles and directions (ok, we prefer the not-mainstream-not-deep-into-some-kind-of-scene-things, the obscure, the trash, the "exotic", the garage, the punk, the countrystuff, the weird hardcore, the one-man-armies on all stages of the world, the punks, the nerds, the monsters, the grind, the screams, the puke, the girlbands and every one that's kind to us) - stands for itself. You know?! Rock'n'Roll? The guitars? Noise? Cheering teenagers? Stuff like that? Aaaah, you know. I know that you know.
KrimsKrams - a german expression for all kind of hotchpotch, bits and pieces, odds and sods - stands for everything else in the zine - stuff like short stories, columns, comics, reviews, guitar lessons, arts, gimmicks, riddles, tips for cooking and stuff like that. Actually RENFIELD is open for lots of bad, weird and trashy ideas.
RENFEILD-Fanzine is supposed to be published 1-2 times a year. That works now for quite along time. And we still make it by a secret recipe of an ancient Mixed Xerox/Print-method, that noone really knows.
But if you want to kow which band/artist/label has already been featured at the 19 numbers of RENFIELD_Fanzine, just have a look at the pictures of the gallery.
So, if you got a band, a label, a distro and would like to cooperate - just get in contact. Or we will.

My Interests


Member Since: 10/07/2007
Band Website:
Band Members:
Influences: Influences? Oh, they are many.
Let's see: Last influences are snow and rain crashing outside against my window. Another big influence was a tasty meal consisting of tuna, cheese, zucchini, tomatoe, Broccoli and garlic. Just a few hours ago. Influenced me the whole saturday.
Others, more long-termed influences are:
Bad jokes, good friends, obscure music of all kinds from people that count themselves not to the masses, good trash, good Punk, good Garage, good-bad country, strange core, being misunderstood by parents and other people who say they want the best for you, being against everything, first grumble than smile, love (of course), music without hanging in a spider-net of so-called-scenes (and being blinded by these), experiments in general, experiments in music, crossing borders without a map, travelling without knowing the way, everything and everybody who stays open-minded.
Record Label: Kid Spongo Entertainment Group

My Blog

Tookie teazy - New song

By incident I found out that there is finally a new song uploaded on our myspace-profile. The interesting thing is, that I uploaded this one months ago and it never appeared where it was supposed to b...
Posted by on Sat, 25 Apr 2009 05:08:00 GMT

New Fanzine, new Song

Endlich, finally, at last! The brandnew (ahem) issue of Renfield No. 20 is out now. As you could see, for some weeks the cover is already online (thanks to Nilsm from and we g...
Posted by on Sat, 25 Apr 2009 04:58:00 GMT

Not only a Jan DELAY...

...auch die nächsten Ausgabe des Renfield-Fanzines verzögert sich etwas. Das hat bei mir leider etwas ernstere Gründe, nämlich gesundheitliche. Da ich zur Zeit andauernd krank bin, und leider nicht nu...
Posted by on Tue, 13 Jan 2009 04:31:00 GMT

Number 20 is coming...

Liebe Krimskramsfreunde, auch wenn es schwer nach Herbstdepression duftet und nachWintermenopause aussieht und  ich  in diesen Tagen gern ein lustiger Igel wäre, der unter Schichten von nas...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Nov 2008 19:31:00 GMT

Renfield 19 - was dabei ist...

 ist folgendes:Interviewtechnisch haben wir die Jungs von - Tian an men 89 rec. bzw. Darbouka rec. (ihr wisst schon, das sind die die Punkbands aus allen Ecken der Welt aufstöbern und mit denen P...
Posted by on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 11:33:00 GMT

Renfield No. 19 - a sign of life

Heyho sag ich,das Renfield-Fanzine geht in die 19. Runde. Und bleibt hoffentlich weiterhin eckig.Wenn alles gut geht, dann wird die No.19 im Mai erscheinen. Deadline für alles ist im April und bisher ...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 05:53:00 GMT