Allison. 18. Manchester. Taken :).
Far from your average girl. I go to college on a farm. It's crazyy but I love it, even the tutors are awesome.
Tbh I love Kerrie Emma Burrage & Louisa Katerina Triamatakis. They are my babes and I couldn't be without them. When I'm at my lowest they always make my day that much better. Every year we take a trip abroad together. So far it's been amazingg. Can't wait for Malia 09 babes!
Albert George Peacock- No about me would be complete without you in it. You are the person I trust more than anything and I love you with all my heart. Soon it will be a year since we met - the day before halloween, since then not a day has passed that I haven't thought about you. You were the first human being I ever felt comfortable with and made me feel all the things every girl deserves to feel. I know your not perfect but then neither am I. we'll work things out one day but until then I'll wait. You kept me strong and wouldn't let me quit, if I ever make anything out of myself I have you to thank for it. For all the times you've been my shoulder to cry on I wish I could pay you back. You are my hero and I don't care what anyone says, I might be pathetic but thats just a shame isn't it. I'm happy to be your fool. ♥
Comments. ♥