Create your own Friend Test here
-Oscar De La Hoya-Hot Girls-Steve Nash-Takeru Kobayashi-You ( I guess)
..I listen to alot of rock and alterntive. Yet the kind of bands I like change kinda often. Right now its mainly Linkin Park,Mindless Self Indulgence, Burden Brothers , The Used , The Almost, Like 3 or 4 Fall Of troy songs, And some random stuff
..As for movies I'm gonna go with Donnie Darko,Smoking Aces,The Rockys and of course and good comedy
..I dont belive in, Lets see....Alot of Discovery Channel,Adult Swim,Sports, And Loads upon Loads of Anime
..uuhhhhh Books? I can fly pass them but I have to like what I'm reading.
Kristyn- You know, when you talk to people down with school, a lot of them are still best friends with their friend from high school. This girl right her is who I want that person to be! Sure we have a love hate relationship going on, but we don't let that stop us. lol. She is the most random person I know and she is like an old sister to me. (even tho im taller better looking and acutally passing geometery). Even tho she is gonna hit me for that last line :) I still love her to death and hope to know her for the rest of my life! Jeuel!!!!- This girl is amazing!! shes always smiling and talking about boys :). I'm so glad I met her because she probally changed my life for the better. She's such a great person and she makes everyone around her happy. I hope I know here for a LONGGGG Time! Jeuel YOU ROCK!Elishabeth! At first I though her and I were and would never be friends by our personalitys, But Guess what?!? I WAS SO WRONG, and i'm happpy I was.Personally I think she could be friends with anyone! We have only been fors for a few months but we already have some many inside jokes!(And the sad part is thats how we becames friends) This girl Will change the world someday. She lives life the way she wants to and has such a wide perspective on the world. I glad there is still people like her in this world and hope the best for her as she changes the world. (p.s. EWWWWW) (p.s. s-s-s-s-s-a-a-a-a-f-f-f-f-t-t-t-t-y-y-y-y) Landon- He is one of my closet friends. Ever since we met last year we get along more and more ever day. Although we both have are geek moments at times. He still one of the coolest people I know and am Glad to know. Casey- Because of him I feel alittle more white every day. This Kid is one of the most outgoing kids I know. he will do anything to make you smile Lol. Even if it's degrading. Casey is my main hombre in band. Idk how I would have got through the season without him.Alex- My Beaner brother! he's the closet thing I have to a gardener ;). but even if were cracking mexican jokes , talking about the ladies or just being plain man hores. We always have a good time.And if you want to know a secret I'll tell ya. His secret identity is......Paiges Hormones!!!